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08/06/2019 18:19 Comments 0 Comments
The cause of the explosion was unclear but police said a bomb squad was on its way to the scene in downtown Linkoping and that they had opened a criminal investigation.
08/06/2019 17:53 Comments 0 Comments
NASA will allow up to two private trips to the station per year, each lasting up to 30 days, NASA said. The first mission could be as early as 2020.
08/06/2019 14:12 Comments 0 Comments
Scrapping Sections 213 and 214 of the code, criminalising "unnatural sex" — widely read as homosexuality — still needs to be ratified by Bhutan's upper house, the National Council, to become law.
08/06/2019 14:07 Comments 0 Comments
They're likely to end up focusing a large share of their attention, however, on how to keep global growth on track when the world's two biggest economies are entrenched in an escalating trade war.
07/06/2019 17:25 Comments 0 Comments
The study showed women who had done continued night shifts for 20 months or more in the preceding two years had a 9% increased risk of early menopause.
07/06/2019 17:15 Comments 0 Comments
Do unclean nails turn you off? Well, here’s an expert guide on how to clean and groom your nails for the summer season.
07/06/2019 17:06 Comments 0 Comments
Sure, there are downsides to exercising in summer. But these tips and tricks will help you meet your fitness goals with ease.
07/06/2019 13:30 Comments 0 Comments
Looker helps companies visualize and analyze the data they store in the cloud. The deal is Google’s biggest since it acquired smart-home company Nest Labs for $3.2 billion in 2014, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
07/06/2019 13:26 Comments 0 Comments
Customers who already have Huawei phones will still be able to use its apps and receive updates, Facebook told Reuters. But new Huawei phones will no longer be able to have Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram apps pre-installed.
06/06/2019 21:11 Comments 0 Comments
It’s a move that helps the WeChat-operator hedge against slowing growth and regulatory clampdowns at home, as the government weeds out violent content online and curbs screen time for teenagers.
06/06/2019 21:03 Comments 0 Comments
Tinder on Tuesday said it had agreed to be added to a list of entities obliged to hand over user data and messages to Russian law enforcement agencies on demand, but had not divulged anyone's personal information yet.
06/06/2019 20:57 Comments 0 Comments
Huawei has also downgraded its forecast for total smartphone shipments in the second half of 2019 by "about 20 per cent to 30 per cent" from the previous estimate, the Nikkei reported.
06/06/2019 20:52 Comments 0 Comments
Amazon said its new drones use computer vision and machine learning to detect and avoid people or clotheslines in backyards when landing.
06/06/2019 20:41 Comments 0 Comments
The Defence Ministry says that it has submitted a letter of request for 108 cutting-edge M1A2 Abrams tanks, 1,240 TOW anti-armor missiles, 409 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 250 Stinger man-portable air defence systems.
05/06/2019 21:34 Comments 0 Comments
In an attempt to work towards animal welfare, Haryana and Punjab have taken a really good step. There has been many cases of animal cruelty in past few months and trust me they are very disturbing.
05/06/2019 21:01 Comments 0 Comments
A leopard was killed by villagers. Not only did they kill the animal, they also gouged its eyes out and chopped off the paws.
05/06/2019 20:33 Comments 0 Comments
The long road to the 2022 World Cup finals begins in the footballing backwaters of Mongolia on Thursday as the first games that count towards qualification for Qatar are hosted in Asia.
05/06/2019 20:18 Comments 0 Comments
England's narrow defeat by Pakistan in their second World Cup match was by no means a 'car crash' and the hosts are determined to bounce back quickly from the disappointment, fast bowler Chris Woakes has said.
05/06/2019 20:07 Comments 0 Comments
Gianni Infantino was re-elected FIFA president unopposed at the congress of world football's governing body in Paris on Wednesday.
05/06/2019 19:52 Comments 0 Comments
Even after becoming a Liverpool hero by scoring winning goals against Everton, Newcastle United, Barcelona and even in the Champions League final against Tottenham Hotspur, Divock Origi is unsure about his future at Liverpool.
05/06/2019 19:24 Comments 0 Comments
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack immediately. According to the officials, the attack took place as Muslims in the city of El-Arish were holding prayers marking the holiday of Eid ul-Fitr.
05/06/2019 19:13 Comments 0 Comments
Since Monday, tensions remain high in Khartoum and elsewhere as demonstrators stage scattered rallies and block main roads with barricades. Security forces have been seen in online videos, patrolling Khartoum districts.
04/06/2019 19:58 Comments 0 Comments
An emotional post has gone viral on social media has a pet owner requesting the person, who robbed his camera to return its memory card. It has the pictures of his pet dog’s last day alive.
04/06/2019 19:37 Comments 0 Comments
"The latest outbreak in violence in Idlib and north Hama has left dozens of casualties, burned several thousand acres of vital crops and farmland and forced at least 300,000 people to flee their homes," WFP spokesman Herve Verhoosel said.
03/06/2019 20:23 Comments 0 Comments
One of the primary reasons is to check a user’s travel history. Specifically travel to those countries which are considered to be hotbeds of terrorism.
03/06/2019 20:04 Comments 0 Comments
U.S. President Donald Trump waded once again into Britain’s Brexit debate.
02/06/2019 20:44 Comments 0 Comments
Several houses and shops around the blast sites were damaged, and security forces blocked all roads leading to the site.
02/06/2019 19:43 Comments 0 Comments
Pope Francis paid homage Sunday to Catholics who were persecuted, tortured and killed.
01/06/2019 20:54 Comments 0 Comments
Turkey, which is already hosting more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees, is facing strong pressure from Syria, Iran and Russia to deliver on its pledge to control the armed rebel factions in Idlib.
01/06/2019 20:39 Comments 0 Comments
In May, a US warship sailed near the disputed Scarborough Shoal claimed by China in the South China Sea, angering Beijing at a time of tension over trade between the world's two biggest economies.
01/06/2019 20:16 Comments 0 Comments
Transylvania, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the end of the First World War, has a large ethnic Hungarian population and there have been tensions sometimes between ethnic Hungarians and Romanians.
31/05/2019 20:13 Comments 0 Comments
In his three-day trip to the former communist country, the pope will try to heal an ancient schism between the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
31/05/2019 17:33 Comments 0 Comments
Iran under Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini began the demonstrations to offer support to Palestinians.
31/05/2019 17:27 Comments 0 Comments
Francis' visit starting Friday comes on the heels of the European Parliament elections that hollowed out the political middle in the bloc, and Francis is expected to speak about issues confronting the continent during the trip.
31/05/2019 17:23 Comments 0 Comments
India s only orangutan, Binny, who was at the Nandan Kanan Zoo on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar city has died.
30/05/2019 19:29 Comments 0 Comments
Related News Don’t go ‘too far’ in ‘damaging moves’: China tells US US-China trade talks to resume despite Trump’s tariff threat Auto tariff war would hurt more than US-China fight: IMF chief economist The United States is “playing with fire” with its support for self-ruled Taiwan, China said on Thursday. China’s comments come ahead of […]
30/05/2019 18:31 Comments 0 Comments
The babies were born to second-time parents, boosting to 13 the population of meerkats at the zoo in the town of Songkhla, the biggest public zoo in southern Thailand.
30/05/2019 16:37 Comments 0 Comments
Mongolia had promised to spend heavily on infrastructure, social services and housing by attracting billions of dollars of foreign investment, but that has not materialised.
29/05/2019 19:55 Comments 0 Comments
The winds peeled away roofs leaving homes looking like giant dollhouses knocked houses off their foundations, toppled trees, brought down power lines and churned up so much debris that it was visible on radar. Highway crews had to use snowplows to clear an Ohio interstate.
29/05/2019 19:48 Comments 0 Comments
Netanyahu and his former top aide Lieberman, who have alternated between a close alliance and bitter rivalry over the past two decades, are now engaged in perhaps the most dramatic episode of their longtime political relationship — a high-stakes showdown in which neither side appears ready to blink first.
29/05/2019 17:13 Comments 0 Comments
Pooja Pandey, Hindu Mahasabha Leader Who Shot Mahatma Gandhi’s Effigy, Distributes Knives to Toppers in Uttar Pradesh.
28/05/2019 21:21 Comments 0 Comments
The white panda’s appearance is caused by albinism, a rare genetically inherited condition that prevents the normal synthesis of melanin, resulting in white hair or pale skin, as well as reddish eyes.
28/05/2019 21:16 Comments 0 Comments
UNICEF also said that Afghanistan's conflict and deteriorating security situation left more than 1,000 schools closed last year and that half a million children were denied their right to education.
28/05/2019 17:23 Comments 0 Comments
The report accused security forces of arbitrary arrests including children, disappearances, torture, extrajudicial killings, collective punishment and forced evictions.
28/05/2019 17:18 Comments 0 Comments
The Sumatran rhino, the smallest species of rhinoceros, was declared extinct in the wild in Malaysia in 2015. Iman, a female captured in 2014, is now the only surviving member of the subspecies left in the country.
28/05/2019 15:32 Comments 0 Comments
Hate crimes against minorities continue in India as Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls to end fear and discrimination.
27/05/2019 20:40 Comments 0 Comments
This is the third incident of alleged hate crime against Muslims in India reported in the last week.
27/05/2019 19:34 Comments 0 Comments
Jay Alvarrez, 23, shared the X-rated image of himself with Italian model Valentina Fradegrada on Saturday.
27/05/2019 17:15 Comments 0 Comments
Residents wandered around after sunrise to survey the damage, carefully avoiding fallen utility poles that blocked some streets.
27/05/2019 17:07 Comments 0 Comments
In recent weeks, tensions between Washington and Tehran soared over America deploying an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf over a still-unexplained threat it perceives from Tehran.
27/05/2019 16:58 Comments 0 Comments
Trump is on a four-day state visit to Japan meant to showcase the alliance between the two nations, but which has also been shadowed by trade tensions.
26/05/2019 20:57 Comments 0 Comments
The incident happened while the youth was on his way back home after attending a prayer service at a mosque.
26/05/2019 20:00 Comments 0 Comments
Former prime minister Chuan Leekpai, 80, was named speaker after the House of Representatives voted 258-235 in his favor in the first working session of the lower chamber.
26/05/2019 19:43 Comments 0 Comments
The vote is seen as a test for the center-right party of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, which suffered a setback after senior officials were involved in corruption scandals.
26/05/2019 19:34 Comments 0 Comments
"We have absolutely experienced a traumatic event,'' El Reno Mayor Matt White said during a news conference early Sunday. "We've had an incident where a tornado has basically hit a mobile home park and a hotel, and some other local businesses.''
26/05/2019 19:26 Comments 0 Comments
The quake, at a moderate depth of 114 kilometers struck at 2:41 am, 80 kilometers southeast of the village of Lagunas and 158 kilometers east-northeast of the larger town of Yurimaguas.
26/05/2019 18:46 Comments 0 Comments
Thanking Imran Khan for the congratulatory message, PM Modi referred to his earlier message to Pakistan to jointly fight poverty, an External Affairs Ministry statement said.
25/05/2019 21:06 Comments 0 Comments
The shocking incident was filmed by onlookers in Mexico who said it was community justice.
25/05/2019 19:29 Comments 0 Comments
Protesters from the movement of Moqtada al-Sadr, who once led Shi'ite militiamen against U.S. forces and is also vocally critical of Iranian influence in Iraq, chanted "no to war" and "yes to Iraq" in central Baghdad and the southern city of Basra.
25/05/2019 19:16 Comments 0 Comments
Talks were adjourned in the early hours of Tuesday, with no date set for resumption, but sources said contacts were continuing at a low level trying to reach a compromise.
25/05/2019 19:10 Comments 0 Comments
Nine villages experienced thick ash fall. But the agency said it wasn't raising the alert level for the volcano and its exclusion zone remains a 4-kilometer (2.5-mile) radius around the crater.
25/05/2019 18:48 Comments 0 Comments
It may be recalled that it was Satish Gautam who had kicked up the Jinnah controversy storm last year when he sought the removal of the portrait from the AMU.
25/05/2019 18:34 Comments 0 Comments
The incident took place on May 22 when the assailants intercepted an auto rickshaw and thrashed the couple and their driver and forced one of the victims to slap his wife with his slippers.
24/05/2019 21:20 Comments 0 Comments
"Sadly, I have not been able to convince MPs to back my Brexit deal. I will resign on Friday, June 7," Theresa May said.
24/05/2019 21:10 Comments 0 Comments
Brazil's Senate is dealing with a bill to criminalize discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender with sentences of up to five years.
24/05/2019 21:05 Comments 0 Comments
The open rancor between the nations' two top diplomats underscores growing concern that the lack of any established channel for direct negotiation makes a military confrontation more likely in the event of a misunderstanding or a mishap.
24/05/2019 20:23 Comments 0 Comments
Fire in Surat Coaching Centre Updates: Nineteen fire tenders and two hydraulic platforms were pressed into service to douse the flames and for rescue operations, an official at the Surat fire control room said.
23/05/2019 20:36 Comments 0 Comments
After Facebook that is battling several data breaches, its photo-sharing service Instagram saw itself in trouble after personal data of millions of celebrities and influencers were allegedly exposed on its platform in a massive database that was traced to Mumbai-based social media marketing firm Chtrbox.
23/05/2019 20:17 Comments 0 Comments
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has secured another five-year term after winning a landslide general election victory.
23/05/2019 19:29 Comments 0 Comments
Lily took the snaps at beauty spots around the world to raise awareness of breast cancer.
23/05/2019 18:42 Comments 0 Comments
The animal went berserk yesterday in West Bengal as she tried to help her sick baby to its feet, local media reports.
23/05/2019 17:22 Comments 0 Comments
Don't feel embarrassed - moaning might actually make sex feel even better.
Tags Sex
22/05/2019 17:57 Comments 0 Comments
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said last week that Canada has been working hard with Philippine officials and hopes to strike a resolution shortly but did not specify a time frame.
21/05/2019 20:09 Comments 0 Comments
Rights campaigners say the weapons contravene a UN treaty because they might be used against civilians in Yemen.
21/05/2019 20:00 Comments 0 Comments
Plans for U.S. President Donald Trump to check out the ancient Japanese sport of sumo wrestling during a state visit are turning into a headache for organizers.
21/05/2019 19:41 Comments 0 Comments
After three decades of civil war, extremist attacks and famine, Somalia established a functioning transitional government in 2012 and has since been working to rebuild stability.
21/05/2019 19:36 Comments 0 Comments
President Donald Trump is voicing confidence in his ability to win Pennsylvania in 2020 and taking a new swipe at one of his leading Democratic rivals.
21/05/2019 19:29 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran has set a July 7 deadline for Europe to set new terms for the deal, or it will enrich closer to weapons-grade levels in the Middle East that is already on edge.
21/05/2019 15:43 Comments 0 Comments
Welsh plus size model Ayesha Perry-Iqbal wants to make people aware that it can happen to anyone.
20/05/2019 15:19 Comments 0 Comments
China tightly restricts access to Tibet by foreigners, especially journalists and diplomats.
20/05/2019 15:15 Comments 0 Comments
The Katyusha multiple rocket launcher is an inexpensive type of rocket artillery that can deliver explosives to a target quicker than conventional artillery, but is less accurate.
20/05/2019 15:03 Comments 0 Comments
Venezuela, whose economy is reeling from a five-year recession amid a prolonged political crisis, saw long lines of vehicles appear at services stations in several regions this week after a shutdown at the OPEC nation's second-largest refinery.
20/05/2019 14:57 Comments 0 Comments
Alabama is part of a wave of conservative states seeking to mount new legal challenges to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
20/05/2019 14:48 Comments 0 Comments
Billionaire technology investor shocks 2019 graduating class at Morehouse College, announcing at their commencement that he will pay off their students loans worth up to $40 million.
Tags US
19/05/2019 20:36 Comments 0 Comments
Elizabeth Warren is gaining unlikely traction with black women who are debating whom to back in a historically diverse Democratic presidential primary.
19/05/2019 20:27 Comments 0 Comments
Prince William and his brother, Prince Harry, have championed the cause of addressing mental health issues, hoping their frank admissions on their own struggles will encourage others in need to seek help.
19/05/2019 20:22 Comments 0 Comments
Opposition Labor Party leader Bill Shorten conceded defeat late in the evening as Prime Minister Scott Morrison's Liberal Party-led coalition came close to a majority in the 151-seat House of Representatives, where parties need a majority to form a government. Vote counting was to continue on Sunday.
19/05/2019 20:12 Comments 0 Comments
In an audience Saturday with the Foreign Press Association in Rome, Francis also urged journalists to not fall prey to click-bait headlines and half-reported stories, saying errors can not only misrepresent the truth but damage entire communities.
18/05/2019 20:35 Comments 0 Comments
Former WWE star Ashley Massaro has died, the organization said Thursday. She was 39.
18/05/2019 19:55 Comments 0 Comments
That makes Taiwan the first place in Asia with a comprehensive law both allowing and laying out the terms of same-sex marriage.
18/05/2019 19:39 Comments 0 Comments
Mexico's capital has lifted a pollution alert in effect since Wednesday saying that the concentration of tiny particles in the air had fallen significantly.
18/05/2019 19:34 Comments 0 Comments
To find similar levels of economic devastation, economists at the IMF pointed to countries that were ripped apart by war, like Libya earlier this decade or Lebanon in the 1970s.
18/05/2019 19:26 Comments 0 Comments
Iran wishes to cooperate with China ``bilaterally and multilaterally, in order to preserve the interests of our two peoples ... for peace and security,'' Zarif said.
18/05/2019 18:14 Comments 0 Comments
A photo reportedly taken of the sun shining through the clouds in Argentina went viral for appearing to be an image of Jesus Christ.
17/05/2019 20:46 Comments 0 Comments
Taipei's colourful gay pride parade, one of Asia's largest, puts on display every year the vibrancy of the island's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
17/05/2019 20:41 Comments 0 Comments
The Sanaa strikes targeted nine military sites in and around the city, residents said, with humanitarian agencies reporting a number of casualties.
17/05/2019 20:33 Comments 0 Comments
The mine accident took place in Heilongjiang province's Cuihongshan at around 3 a.m. Friday. Of those working in the mine at the time of the flood, 26 escaped.
17/05/2019 15:05 Comments 0 Comments
Prankster Chris Monroe's new video smooching his mum has racked up nearly a million views in a matter of days.
17/05/2019 15:00 Comments 0 Comments
Ita O'Brien tells how she turns potentially tasteless scenes into high erotica.
15/05/2019 20:30 Comments 0 Comments
Trump claimed to the crowd: ``Bernie's got a lot of energy. But it's energy to get rid of your jobs.'' The visit is Trump's third to Louisiana since he took office. He also used the trip to attend a fundraiser in Metairie.
15/05/2019 20:23 Comments 0 Comments
Those performing abortions would be committing a felony, punishable by 10 to 99 years in prison, although a woman who receives an abortion would not be held criminally liable.
15/05/2019 20:15 Comments 0 Comments
The magnitude 7.5 quake struck around 11 pm Tuesday at a relatively shallow depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles), according to the US Geological Survey. It was offshore about 45 kilometers (28 miles) northeast of Kokopo, which has about 26,000 people.
14/05/2019 18:57 Comments 0 Comments
A team of federal accident investigators is expected to arrive in Alaska Tuesday to try to piece together what caused a deadly midair collision between two sightseeing planes.
14/05/2019 18:51 Comments 0 Comments
The accident is a headache the air force doesn't need, after a string of highly publicised breakdowns of the aging government fleet causing delays for Angela Merkel and others.
14/05/2019 18:20 Comments 0 Comments
The high-level review of the Pentagon’s plans was presented during a meeting about broader Iran policy. It was held days after what the Trump administration described, without evidence, as new intelligence indicating that Iran was mobilizing proxy groups in Iraq and Syria to attack US forces.
14/05/2019 18:02 Comments 0 Comments
Easter Sunday bombings: Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena issued an extraordinary gazette banning a number of extremist organisations on Monday. He also prohibited the use of drones in the country until further notice.
14/05/2019 17:52 Comments 0 Comments
This comes a day after Beijing announced a rise in tariffs on American goods worth $60 billion. Earlier on Friday, the US had hiked levies on $200 billion of Chinese goods inviting a threat of retaliation from China.
14/05/2019 17:41 Comments 0 Comments
The energy minister of the world's largest oil exporter said the attack caused a fire, now contained, and minor damage at one pump station, but did not disrupt oil production or exports of crude and petroleum products.
13/05/2019 21:44 Comments 0 Comments
Several mosques and Muslim homes were damaged in an attack overnight in the western district of Kurunegala, the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka and residents said. Police arrested a group of men for the attacks but people in the mostly Buddhist district then demanded their release.
13/05/2019 21:12 Comments 0 Comments
Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse was independent India's first terrorist, Kamal Haasan said at a campaign event on Sunday.
12/05/2019 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, which supports Donald Trump's hard tack against its arch-foe, has largely been reticent about the spiralling tensions.
12/05/2019 21:09 Comments 0 Comments
Authorities did not allow any vehicles into the compound of the churches and worshippers were asked to bring only minimum baggage. Security forces are conducting round the clock security operations since the attack in the crackdown on radical Muslims with links to the bombings.
12/05/2019 20:44 Comments 0 Comments
The injured bear reportedly drowned after hurtling down the rocky cliff face.
11/05/2019 18:51 Comments 0 Comments
The carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, deployed by the Donald Trump administration to the Middle East as a warning to Iran, passed through Egypt’s Suez Canal on Thursday.
11/05/2019 18:43 Comments 0 Comments
It was the worst electoral performance by the late Nelson Mandela's former liberation movement, which has governed South Africa since the country's first free election marked the end of white minority rule in 1994.
11/05/2019 18:38 Comments 0 Comments
Tens of thousands of people marched against the extradition law amendments in Hong Kong last month and numerous legal, professional and human rights organizations have voiced their opposition.
11/05/2019 18:29 Comments 0 Comments
An official with the International Organization for Migration in Tunisia said the smuggling boat was coming from Libya when it sent a distress signal in international waters early Friday off the Tunisian coastal city of Sfax.
10/05/2019 21:25 Comments 0 Comments
The 40-year-old let her hair down as she partied at the gay club.
10/05/2019 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
The ex-glamour model was jokingly quizzed about drug-taking after her wild behaviour.
10/05/2019 20:27 Comments 0 Comments
The Palestinians pre-emptively rejected any peace proposal floated by the Trump administration amid concerns it would fall far below their hopes for an independent state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem — which they want as their capital — and Gaza, lands captured by Israel in the 1967 war.
10/05/2019 20:20 Comments 0 Comments
The US military said on Tuesday that a number of B-52 bombers would be part of additional forces being sent to the Middle East to counter what the Trump administration says are "clear indications" of threats from Iran to US forces there.
10/05/2019 20:08 Comments 0 Comments
The report released Friday focuses on internally displaced people, not refugees who have fled their home countries.
10/05/2019 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
Iraq's security agencies have invested heavily in securing Baghdad, the country's capital, even as insurgents continue to stage attacks in the countryside.
10/05/2019 15:26 Comments 0 Comments
Brave Fabulous Digital reporter Deni Kirkova taped up for a day out at St Kilda beach in Melbourne.
10/05/2019 15:03 Comments 0 Comments
TIME magazine has featured a story on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the cover of its May 20, 2019 edition, and says India is "more divided than ever".
09/05/2019 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had previously made it clear he supports the changes made to the law enacted after a rifle-toting former student walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and killed 17 people in February 2018.
09/05/2019 21:20 Comments 0 Comments
Indian Christian businessman Saji Cheriyan built the Mariam Umm Eisa (Mary, the Mother of Jesus) mosque after he saw workers spending their earnings on taking taxis to go to the nearest mosque to offer prayers during the holy month.
09/05/2019 21:14 Comments 0 Comments
The South's Joint Chiefs of Staff had no other immediate details, and it wasn't clear what the North had fired. But some analysts have said that if the North returns to the kind of longer-range banned weapons that it tested in 2017, when many feared a Washington-Pyongyang standoff could end in war.
09/05/2019 20:56 Comments 0 Comments
The raunchy photos come almost 30 years after her Basic Instinct role.
08/05/2019 20:03 Comments 0 Comments
Sirisena spoke hours after an interim report was submitted by a committee his office formed to examine why Sri Lankan security forces did not heed Indian intelligence information ahead of the attacks that killed more than 250 people.
08/05/2019 19:56 Comments 0 Comments
Clinical trials in China using deep brain stimulation may hold the key to treating drug users, literally with the flip of a switch.
08/05/2019 19:16 Comments 0 Comments
Robert Phillips, an employee of the diamond cutting firm Van Moppes which carried out the work, kept the extracted stone core and later took it to the United States when he emigrated there, English Heritage said.
08/05/2019 13:25 Comments 0 Comments
The incident took place on April 26 around 3 pm when she was going to Rajasthan's Talvriksha from her village Lalwadi accompanied by her husband on a motorcycle.
07/05/2019 21:30 Comments 0 Comments
The former fetish model also revealed how she once sold her armpit hair to fans.
07/05/2019 16:44 Comments 0 Comments
The bombings killed 257 people and wounded hundreds at three churches and three hotels. Seven suicide bombers died at their targets while another exploded his device later at a guesthouse after his device failed at a leading tourist hotel. A ninth killed herself to avoid capture by police at her home.
07/05/2019 16:37 Comments 0 Comments
The plane had taken off from the airport bound for Murmansk, but turned back after encountering unspecified problems in the air.
07/05/2019 16:32 Comments 0 Comments
Pilots of a chartered jet that ran into a river at a Florida military base made a last-minute change to the runway where they would make a landing, a federal investigator said on Sunday.
07/05/2019 16:26 Comments 0 Comments
The test early Saturday was quickly played down by Trump and his top advisers, who noted it was not the kind of long-range missile leader Kim Jong Un has refrained from launching since 2017.
07/05/2019 14:56 Comments 0 Comments
The 52-year-old has a long and impressive roster of work behind her including some eye-opening scenes.
06/05/2019 21:34 Comments 0 Comments
Plucky souls appeared unfazed by the icy temperatures as they made a splash in the North Sea.
06/05/2019 14:52 Comments 0 Comments
The Love Island star, 22, sizzled as she posed for a series of sultry snaps on the beach.
06/05/2019 14:40 Comments 0 Comments
Mum Tanya, 32, and Olivia, eight, both struggled with scoliosis for most of their lives.
05/05/2019 18:55 Comments 0 Comments
Palestinian militants have fired over 250 rockets into Israel, drawing dozens of retaliatory airstrikes on targets across the Gaza Strip in a round of intense fighting that broke a monthlong lull between the bitter enemies.
05/05/2019 17:55 Comments 0 Comments
A rocket fired from Gaza killed an Israeli civilian on Sunday and two Palestinian gunmen were killed in an Israeli strike, with no sign of any impending ceasefire in the most serious border flare-up since November.
05/05/2019 17:49 Comments 0 Comments
At St. Anthony's Shrine in Colombo, one of the sites targeted by Easter suicide bombings that killed 257 people, a Mass was celebrated for a small group of children and youth as a means for inner healing.
05/05/2019 17:30 Comments 0 Comments
The bloke has been urged to dump his 'immature' girlfriend over her demands.
05/05/2019 16:47 Comments 0 Comments
The star looked stunning in a tiny bikini as she wowed fans with her lithe moves.
05/05/2019 13:39 Comments 0 Comments
The star is currently filming for her exercise app.
04/05/2019 20:43 Comments 0 Comments
The mayor of Jacksonville said on Twitter that everyone on board the flight was "alive and accounted for" but that crews were working to control jet fuel on the water.
04/05/2019 20:11 Comments 0 Comments
The officials said militants clashed Saturday with guards near an air base seized earlier this year by the Libyan National Army in the town of Sabha.
04/05/2019 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
Experts believe that the North has viable shorter-range nuclear-armed missiles but still needs more tests to perfect its longer-range weapons.
04/05/2019 19:44 Comments 0 Comments
The actress appeared in X-rated bedroom scenes in 2016's Hands Of Stone.
04/05/2019 19:22 Comments 0 Comments
The ex-Playboy model looks like she hasn't aged at all.
04/05/2019 19:11 Comments 0 Comments
Gardening enthusiast Suzy Monty loves to trim the bushes and mow the lawn while completely naked, and she's not alone.
03/05/2019 18:15 Comments 0 Comments
There were 161,000 asylum applications filed in the last fiscal year and 46,000 in the first quarter of 2019, according to the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which oversees immigration courts.
03/05/2019 18:06 Comments 0 Comments
Musa Ecweru, Uganda's minister for disaster management and refugee affairs, said surveillance teams and authorities along the border were on red alert for suspected cases of Ebola.
02/05/2019 21:30 Comments 0 Comments
The organisers claim guests will be allocated two 'beautiful' women each day - but can swap if that's not enough for them.
02/05/2019 20:45 Comments 0 Comments
The actress looked very unlike smartly-dressed Gill Bigelow as she ditched her toga in the steamy drama.
02/05/2019 20:35 Comments 0 Comments
Our writers recall how steamy cinema scenes shaped their sexual awakenings.
02/05/2019 19:17 Comments 0 Comments
Biden soared from "will-he-or-won't-he-run?" status to the head of the crowded Democratic field just days after announcing his candidacy last week, pulling away from Senator Bernie Sanders and a host of other rivals in opinion polls.
02/05/2019 19:07 Comments 0 Comments
Off China's shores, warships and aircraft designed to protect submarines can now be spotted conducting regular patrols. And the man now commanding Chinese forces in the south is a veteran submariner.
02/05/2019 19:02 Comments 0 Comments
The US has in recent months stepped up efforts to resolve Afghanistan's 17-year war — America's longest conflict — and has been pressing for direct talks between the Taliban and Kabul.
01/05/2019 18:38 Comments 0 Comments
The white whale found frolicking in the frigid harbor of Tufjord, a hamlet near Norway's northernmost point, has become "a huge attraction" for locals, one resident said Tuesday. The whale is so comfortable with people that it swims to the dock and retrieves plastic rings thrown into the sea.
01/05/2019 18:28 Comments 0 Comments
The US and about 50 other nations take the position that Maduro's re-election last year was irrevocably marred by fraud and he is not the legitimate president of Venezuela, a once prosperous nation that has the world's largest proven oil reserves.
30/04/2019 19:35 Comments 0 Comments
The latest crisis began with attacks by an underground Rohingya insurgent group on Myanmar security personnel in August 2017 in northern Rakhine.
30/04/2019 19:28 Comments 0 Comments
Since 2012, China's navy has taken delivery of 41 Type 056 Corvettes with production continuing, according to IISS. A total of between 45 and 60 of these ships are expected to join the fleet.
30/04/2019 19:20 Comments 0 Comments
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said if the United States can block one method for Iran to export oil, Tehran will find other ways to do so.
30/04/2019 19:09 Comments 0 Comments
The man said to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the video also claimed the Easter Day bombings in Sri Lanka which killed over 250 people were "part of the revenge" that awaits the West.
30/04/2019 18:58 Comments 0 Comments
Hours after Abu Bakr al Baghdadi released a video promising revenge, Rural Catholic church defied Sri Lanka threats and held a Mass.
30/04/2019 18:48 Comments 0 Comments
According to the Sri Lankan Information Department, President Maithripala Sirisena has instructed the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission to lift the ban on Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube and other popular platforms from April 30.
29/04/2019 20:41 Comments 0 Comments
Many across the nation knelt before their televisions as Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, the archbishop of Colombo, delivered a homily before members of the clergy and the country's leaders in a small chapel at his residence in the capital.
29/04/2019 20:02 Comments 0 Comments
Opponents of the proposal fear further erosion of rights and legal protections in the free-wheeling financial hub - freedoms which were guaranteed under the city's handover from British colonial rule to Chinese sovereignty in 1997.
26/04/2019 20:04 Comments 0 Comments
Iraq's Kurdish region hosts more than 1 million displaced people, including many of the 200,000 Yazidis forced to flee their homes when the Islamic State militants attacked their communities in 2014.
26/04/2019 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
The White House said on Tuesday that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer would travel to Beijing for additional talks on a trade dispute that has led to tit-for-tat tariffs between the two countries.
26/04/2019 19:52 Comments 0 Comments
The North Korean leader said at the time he would wait until the end of the year for the United States to become more flexible.
26/04/2019 19:45 Comments 0 Comments
The FBI hopes news of the recovery of this Bible will prompt others to look at their collections for any possible items stolen from the Pittsburgh library.
25/04/2019 19:20 Comments 0 Comments
The toll was highest at St. Sebastian's Church. Of the more than 350 people killed by the suicide bombings that the government blamed on Muslim extremists, about a third of them died at the church in the seaside fishing town while attending Easter Mass.
25/04/2019 18:56 Comments 0 Comments
The suspension could trigger legal claims by Western buyers against Russian suppliers, who would in turn seek compensation from Russian pipeline monopoly Transneft, three traders with Western oil buyers said.
25/04/2019 18:43 Comments 0 Comments
Kim's first trip to Russia comes about two months after his second summit with U.S. President Donald Trump, which failed because of disputes over U.S.-led sanctions on the North.
24/04/2019 15:09 Comments 0 Comments
The attacks were claimed on Tuesday by the Islamic State militant group, which said they were carried out by seven attackers but gave no evidence to support the claim.
24/04/2019 15:02 Comments 0 Comments
President Donald Trump has slapped tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese imports in a dispute over Beijing's aggressive drive to challenge U.S. technological dominance.
24/04/2019 14:56 Comments 0 Comments
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe told a news conference investigators were making progress in identifying the perpetrators and believed there could be some links to IS.
23/04/2019 21:36 Comments 0 Comments
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling for naming a new settlement in the Golan Heights after President Donald Trump out of gratitude for the White House's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the territory.
23/04/2019 21:17 Comments 0 Comments
A central question underscored many of the questions posed to the candidates, who were in many cases forced to address their greatest political liabilities: Who is best positioned to deny Trump a second term?
23/04/2019 21:11 Comments 0 Comments
As pollution and environmental damage linked to the rise in plastic waste became known in countries like Malaysia and Thailand during 2018, protests led to tighter waste regulations and import restrictions by authorities, the study found.
23/04/2019 21:02 Comments 0 Comments
The report by the semi-official ISNA news agency says 173 out of 215 lawmakers at the session voted for the bill on Tuesday.
22/04/2019 21:16 Comments 0 Comments
The violence spiked after the White House said on Friday that President Donald Trump spoke by with Haftar earlier in the week.
22/04/2019 21:09 Comments 0 Comments
The blasts, which hospital and police officials said wounded more than 400 people, followed a lull in major attacks since the end of the civil war 10 years ago.
22/04/2019 20:53 Comments 0 Comments
Zelenskiy's unorthodox campaign traded on the character he plays in the TV show, a scrupulously honest schoolteacher who becomes president by accident after an expletive-ridden rant about corruption goes viral.
22/04/2019 20:43 Comments 0 Comments
The quake struck 60 km (37 miles) northwest of Manila at a depth of 40 km (25 miles).
21/04/2019 13:45 Comments 0 Comments
Multiple blasts were reported in Sri Lanka on Sunday morning at three churches and two hotels in Colombo and other parts of the island nation.
20/04/2019 21:43 Comments 0 Comments
The attack began shortly before midday when a suicide bomb was detonated at the entrance to the multi-storey building housing the ministry in a busy commercial area of the city, followed up by gunfire which could be heard over a mile away.
20/04/2019 21:15 Comments 0 Comments
Francis prayed to Jesus to help "us to see in your cross all the crosses of the world." The pope cited persons starved for food and for love, and those "abandoned" even by their own children or parents.
20/04/2019 21:06 Comments 0 Comments
More than 300 Kosovo citizens, men, women and children, have travelled to Syria since 2012. Some 70 men who fought alongside extremist militant groups were killed.
20/04/2019 13:34 Comments 0 Comments
When the Muslim man complained that a stove in the jail was not working properly, the jail superintendent summoned him into his office where he was thrashed by the cop and other police officials before branding him with Om.
19/04/2019 20:49 Comments 0 Comments
Former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika's April 2 exit failed to placate many Algerians who want to topple the entire, largely elderly elite that have dominated the country since independence from France in 1962.
19/04/2019 20:32 Comments 0 Comments
Karzai expressed disappointment that a scheduled gathering for Afghan-to-Afghan talks in Qatar was postponed indefinitely after a falling out over who should attend. It would have marked the first time that Taliban and Kabul government officials sat together.
19/04/2019 20:18 Comments 0 Comments
Forecasters think the UK’s Easter Sunday record — 25.3C set in 2011 — will be smashed.
18/04/2019 21:00 Comments 0 Comments
The ``kiss-a-thon'' was held just days after two gay men in their early 20s were harassed at the Andino shopping center by a man who pushed the couple, screamed profanities at them and accused them of fondling each other in front of a group of children.
18/04/2019 20:52 Comments 0 Comments
``Our actions are speaking for themselves in terms of our dedication to seeing Africa prosper,'' Ivanka Trump said. ``I'm very excited about continuing my work to specifically focus on advocating and advancing the role of women on this continent and beyond.''
18/04/2019 20:45 Comments 0 Comments
The bureau said the quake happened at one minute after 1 p.m. local time (0500 GMT), with its epicenter located just over 10 kilometers (6 miles) northwest of the eastern coastal city of Hualien. The depth was 10 kilometers (6 miles), according to USGS.
18/04/2019 20:39 Comments 0 Comments
The Kremlin said in a brief statement Thursday that Kim will visit Russia "in the second half of April" on Putin's invitation, but gave no further details.
18/04/2019 20:26 Comments 0 Comments
The clip has had more than 128,000 views and shows the 24-year-old topless while out dancing, before being soaked with a water cannon.
18/04/2019 20:02 Comments 0 Comments
Mum-of-one Rachael Keogh, from Dublin, who has lost ten friends to drugs since Christmas, says marks on her arms remind her of how far she has come.
17/04/2019 20:36 Comments 0 Comments
The major policy shift, which will be announced on Wednesday, could expose US, European and Canadian companies to legal action and deal a blow to Cuba's efforts to attract more foreign investment.
17/04/2019 20:22 Comments 0 Comments
Bishop Patrick Chauvet acknowledged that the famed monument would close down for "five to six years" as he spoke with local business owners Wednesday.
17/04/2019 19:46 Comments 0 Comments
A few dozen pedestrians gathered around at first, watching the flames lick their way toward the nave. Soon it was hundreds of people, sobered by the smoke belching from one of the world's most recognizable symbols of France.
17/04/2019 19:40 Comments 0 Comments
Pope Francis, Japanese Prime Minster Shinzo Abe, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen all expressed their sadness.
17/04/2019 19:36 Comments 0 Comments
Like so many people across the globe, Breyer watched the catastrophic fire rip through the Notre Dame Cathedral on TV, in his chambers, an experience he describes as "horrific."
16/04/2019 19:55 Comments 0 Comments
Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen says she wants to maintain the status quo with China but will defend Taiwan's security and democracy.
16/04/2019 19:47 Comments 0 Comments
The cathedral had survived almost 900 years of tumultuous French history but was decimated amid renovation works at the start of Catholic Easter week.
15/04/2019 21:21 Comments 0 Comments
The German news agency DPA reported the bomb was defused, as planned, underwater on Sunday, which led to a loud detonation and a big water fountain on the river. Police told DPA "the bomb is no longer a danger."
15/04/2019 21:13 Comments 0 Comments
Fearing for her life, Akavi's abduction was kept secret for years. But now that ISIS’ caliphate has collapsed, Red Cross has broken its silence in hopes that the public can help find her and two Red Cross drivers, both Syrians, kidnapped alongside her.
15/04/2019 21:03 Comments 0 Comments
President Joko Widodo, a former furniture salesman who launched his political career as a small-city mayor, is standing for re-election in a contest with ex-general Prabowo Subianto, whom he narrowly defeated in 2014.
15/04/2019 20:54 Comments 0 Comments
Nearly 90,000 customers were without electricity in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Georgia as of midday Sunday, according to www.poweroutage.us as the severe weather left a trail of destruction.
15/04/2019 20:46 Comments 0 Comments
The Sudanese Professionals' Association (SPA) called for the establishment of a transitional council which would be protected by the armed forces, adding it would exert "all forms of peaceful pressure to achieve the objectives of the revolution".
15/04/2019 20:39 Comments 0 Comments
U.S. DNA tests have confirmed the death of a Muslim militant commander who helped lead the 2017 siege of a city in the southern Philippines and was considered a key leader of the Islamic State group in the region, officials said Sunday.
14/04/2019 20:37 Comments 0 Comments
The IMF's steering committee said all members, in order to protect the current economic expansion, would ``act promptly to shore up growth for the benefit of all.''
Tags IMF
14/04/2019 20:26 Comments 0 Comments
Abe visited Okuma, one of two towns that house the plant, where an evacuation order was partially lifted earlier this month. The government has been carrying out decontamination efforts to lower radiation levels in the region.
14/04/2019 20:16 Comments 0 Comments
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp went out today. Downdetector.com, a site that monitors site outages, shows Facebook had been down since 6:30 am EST.
14/04/2019 20:05 Comments 0 Comments
Game Of Thrones star Lena Headey has confessed she has no problem with her character's graphic nude scenes.
14/04/2019 19:45 Comments 0 Comments
Lilly Becker suffered a very unfortunate wardrobe malfunction as she took to the ocean in Miami, Florida, on Saturday.
12/04/2019 20:47 Comments 0 Comments
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to meet Trump in the United States in late April for talks on North Korea and Japan-U.S. trade.
12/04/2019 20:34 Comments 0 Comments
Friday's announcement instructs the Taliban mujahedeen, or holy warriors, to "launch jihadi operations with sincerity and pure intentions," strictly abiding by the Taliban command structure.
12/04/2019 19:58 Comments 0 Comments
Pope Francis knelt and kissed the feet of South Sudan's rival leaders in an unprecedented act of humbleness to encourage them to strengthen the African country's faltering peace process.
08/04/2019 18:06 Comments 0 Comments
Forces loyal to Libyan army commander Khalifa Hifter say they have seized control of the main airport in Libya's capital Tripoli, two days after Hifter ordered his forces to seize the seat of Libya's UN-backed government.
08/04/2019 17:46 Comments 0 Comments
The rallies also follow crippling power failures that left most of the country scrambling in the dark for days and without running water or phone service, which Maduro blamed on "terrorists" acts launched by political opponents.
08/04/2019 17:39 Comments 0 Comments
This could be the first time that a single party has won the majority in Parliament since the Indian Ocean archipelago nation became a multiparty democracy in 2008 after decades of autocratic rule.
08/04/2019 17:26 Comments 0 Comments
As of Sunday, at least 847 people had been reported killed by the storm, the flooding it caused and heavy rains before it hit.
08/04/2019 16:49 Comments 0 Comments
Governments across the world are wrestling over how to better control content on social media platforms, often blamed for encouraging abuse, the spread of online pornography, and for influencing or manipulating voters.
28/03/2019 19:05 Comments 0 Comments
The leader of the alleged intruders appears to be a Yale-educated human rights activist who was once jailed in China while trying to rescue North Korean defectors living in hiding, according to activists and defectors.
28/03/2019 18:41 Comments 0 Comments
The United States came under sharp criticism from the 14 other Security Council nations Wednesday for its decision to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights in violation of council resolutions.
28/03/2019 12:57 Comments 0 Comments
American stunner admitted she is "too old for the travel" and will now focus on her businesses outside of the squared circle.
27/03/2019 18:34 Comments 0 Comments
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is asking Spain to set up a kind of fact-finding commission on the 1519-1521 conquest of Mexico.
27/03/2019 18:21 Comments 0 Comments
The Netherlands and Australia announced last year they were holding Russia responsible for providing the missile fired by pro-Russian forces in war-torn Ukraine that brought down the jet, causing the deaths of all 298 people aboard.
27/03/2019 18:09 Comments 0 Comments
Since the coup, the junta has used the absolute power it granted itself to go about rewriting the country's laws, including commissioning a new constitution and creating an electoral system that severely handicaps parties without links to the military.
26/03/2019 15:26 Comments 0 Comments
Even though the missile defense system has been operating for more than a decade, this was the first time it had attempted a "salvo" intercept in which more than one interceptor missile is launched at a single target missile.
26/03/2019 14:59 Comments 0 Comments
The Bulgarian boxer knocked out Bogdan Dinu but caused controversy moments later when he kissed reporter Jenny SuShe following their interview.
26/03/2019 14:18 Comments 0 Comments
The French Council of the Muslim Faith said Facebook took 29 minutes after the start of the Christchurch gunman's broadcast to remove it.
26/03/2019 13:03 Comments 0 Comments
I’ve ranged from a size 8 to a size 28, the former having been achieved only by means of a strict low-carbohydrate diet and hours at the gym daily.
25/03/2019 20:52 Comments 0 Comments
Gaza rocket attack on central Israel wounds 7, prompting Netanyahu to cut short US visit, mobilize army, reserves.
25/03/2019 17:40 Comments 0 Comments
I tried out the most complicated lingerie know to womankind - with mixed results.
25/03/2019 16:55 Comments 0 Comments
After Bake Off's Prue Leith called the West African country a 'Tinder dream for geriatrics,' we meet the randy grans on the pull in Gambia.
24/03/2019 20:21 Comments 0 Comments
The majority of the cruise ship passengers were reportedly British and American tourists. About 180 have been evacuated so far, according to rescue officials.
24/03/2019 20:01 Comments 0 Comments
The victims "included pregnant women, young children and the elderly," according to Abdoul Aziz Diallo, president of a Peulh group known as Tabital Pulaaku.
24/03/2019 19:06 Comments 0 Comments
The actress showed off her hot body in a new Instagram she posted on Saturday.
23/03/2019 14:57 Comments 0 Comments
Most of the sparsely populated area has been evacuated, with more than 2,000 people put up in temporary accommodation in the Northern Territory capital Darwin, and the nearby town of Katherine.
23/03/2019 14:53 Comments 0 Comments
The 40-year-old glamour model left her five kids at home to enjoy a romantic vacation with her 30-year-old boyfriend Kris Boyson.
23/03/2019 14:53 Comments 0 Comments
Spanish model and TV presenter Tamara Gorro shared the photo to her 1.2 million followers.
23/03/2019 14:51 Comments 0 Comments
Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, is hoping to stay in power with a hybrid political system that relies on an appointed Senate and a 20-year national strategic plan to limit the power of political parties not aligned with the military.
23/03/2019 14:37 Comments 0 Comments
In the complaint, Sajid’s nephew Dilshaad, who was among those beaten up, said trouble started when he was playing cricket with some others in a vacant plot near the house.
23/03/2019 13:41 Comments 0 Comments
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Thursday announced a ban of “military-style” semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity magazines like those used in the shootings at Christchurch mosques last week.
23/03/2019 13:36 Comments 0 Comments
Facebook left hundreds of millions of user passwords readable by its employees for years, the company acknowledged Thursday after a security researcher exposed the lapse.
23/03/2019 13:31 Comments 0 Comments
Worn down by three years of indecision in London, European Union leaders on Thursday grudgingly offered the U.K. more time to ease itself out of the bloc, delaying by several weeks — but not eliminating — the threat of a chaotic British exit.
22/03/2019 17:03 Comments 0 Comments
The Missouri River has swelled following heavy rains and snowmelt earlier this month. The flooding has claimed three lives, damaged thousands of homes and busted about 20 levees in Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri.
22/03/2019 16:56 Comments 0 Comments
Trump said on Thursday it was time to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights that Israel seized from Syria in 1967, marking a dramatic shift in US policy and giving a boost to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the middle of his re-election campaign.
22/03/2019 16:43 Comments 0 Comments
A ferry overloaded with people celebrating the Kurdish new year and Mother’s Day capsized in the Tigris River near the Iraqi city of Mosul on Thursday, killing nearly 100 people, including families, officials said.
22/03/2019 13:56 Comments 0 Comments
West Ham supporting sports show host says yes to long-time Swedish chef boyfriend Robert Sandberg's proposal.
21/03/2019 22:01 Comments 0 Comments
Recently, Mandana Karimi posted topless picture on her Instagram page and trolls on social media spammed her post with lewd comments.
21/03/2019 21:43 Comments 0 Comments
She left Coronation Street last year to spend more time with her family. And Catherine Tyldesley was enjoying some quality time with husband Tom Pitford as they larked around in the sea on Friday whilst staying at the Le Royal Meridien Hotel in Dubai.
21/03/2019 17:15 Comments 0 Comments
This is the moment a 104-year-old gran was ‘arrested‘ by police after she said it was her greatest wish to be nicked – because she’d never fallen foul of the law.
21/03/2019 16:55 Comments 0 Comments
From May 2018, tens of thousands of women took to the streets of Seoul on a monthly basis to protest against secretly filmed pornography.
21/03/2019 14:19 Comments 0 Comments
Bunia is the second-largest city in eastern Congo to confirm a case of the haemorrhagic fever during the current outbreak, which was declared last August and is believed to have killed 610 people and infected 370 more to date.
21/03/2019 13:53 Comments 0 Comments
Interior Ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimi says Shiite worshippers came to the Karti Sakhi shrine in the Afghan capital when the blasts took place on Thursday morning in the Shiite neighborhood. It's unclear what caused the explosions.
21/03/2019 13:48 Comments 0 Comments
It's the largest cyclone-related evacuation in the Northern Territory since Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin in 1974, leaving 71 people dead and forcing the evacuation of 30,000 people.
21/03/2019 13:43 Comments 0 Comments
More than 6,600 cases of illicit filming were reported to police last year, or about a fifth of all sexual abuse cases investigated, up from 3.6 per cent in 2008, prosecutors have said.
21/03/2019 13:28 Comments 0 Comments
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced an immediate ban Thursday on semi-automatic and automatic weapons like the ones used in the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch that killed 50 worshippers.
21/03/2019 13:23 Comments 0 Comments
A bus driver in northern Italy abducted 51 children and their school chaperones Wednesday, threatening the hostages’ lives for 40 minutes and setting the bus on fire at a Carabinieri blockade.
20/03/2019 21:43 Comments 0 Comments
The immigration policy change comes at a time of national reflection over Australia's attitude towards migrants after the shooting of at least 50 people at two mosques in New Zealand's city of Christchurch.
20/03/2019 19:16 Comments 0 Comments
Nirav Modi has fled after allegedly siphoning off about Rs 13,0000 crore from Punjab National Bank using Letters of Undertaking in collusion with his uncle Mehul Choski.
20/03/2019 18:51 Comments 0 Comments
Tokayev, a 65-year-old career diplomat fluent in Russian, English and Chinese, will serve for the rest of the term which ends in April 2020, in line with the constitution.
20/03/2019 15:38 Comments 0 Comments
March 20 is World Sparrow Day, a day dedicated to the small chirpy bird which is considered the most human-friendly.
19/03/2019 17:36 Comments 0 Comments
Dozens of cities across the country have banned plastic foam containers, but Hawaii's measure would make it the first to do so statewide.
19/03/2019 16:48 Comments 0 Comments
More than 1,000 people are feared dead in Mozambique four days after a cyclone slammed into the southern African country Mozambique, destroying vulnerable residential areas.
18/03/2019 21:47 Comments 0 Comments
Little did the robber know that after withdrawing 2,500 yuan, the woman was left with no money. After which, the man clearly had a change of heart and decided to let go of the lady and return the money.
18/03/2019 17:23 Comments 0 Comments
The consolation for his opponent, who sensationally defeated Federer last month at the Australian Open and was contesting his second final in two weeks, is that when the new rankings are released on Monday he will be in the top 10 for the first time.
18/03/2019 17:15 Comments 0 Comments
The recent shootings at Christchurch mosque in New Zealand, which Bangladesh cricket team narrowly escaped, has once again reignited the debate over the security measures at the upcoming World Cup tournament in May.
18/03/2019 17:05 Comments 0 Comments
The shock of the attacks has led to calls for an immediate tightening of laws to restrict access to some firearms, particularly semi-automatic weapons such as the AR-15 rifle used by the shooter in Christchurch.
18/03/2019 16:48 Comments 0 Comments
Family members confirmed they were given a 1 kilogram (2.2 pound) sack of scorched earth taken from the crash site. Many relatives already have gathered at the rural, dusty crash site outside Ethiopia's capital.
17/03/2019 17:13 Comments 0 Comments
The town of Sentani near the provincial capital Jayapura was hit by flash floods triggered by torrential rain on Saturday, national disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said in a statement.
17/03/2019 17:05 Comments 0 Comments
Last week, around 100 Afghan soldiers in the western Badghis province fled their posts and tried to cross the border during a weeklong battle with the Taliban, officials said Sunday.
17/03/2019 16:56 Comments 0 Comments
In Zimbabwe, 31 people have died from the floods so far, according to the government. The deaths are mainly in Zimbabwe's Chimanimani, a mountainous area along the eastern border with Mozambique that is popular with tourists.
16/03/2019 17:19 Comments 0 Comments
What started as peaceful protests in 2011 asking for government change turned into one of the cruellest modern wars and left a trail of broken lives among the country’s pre-war population of 23 million.
15/03/2019 17:32 Comments 0 Comments
At least 49 people were killed in mass shootings at two mosques full of worshippers attending Friday prayers on what the prime minister called “one of New Zealand’s darkest days.”
15/03/2019 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, addressing a meeting of diplomats and foreign media, including The Associated Press, in Pyongyang said the North was deeply disappointed by the failure of the two sides to reach any agreements at the Hanoi summit between Kim and President Donald Trump.
15/03/2019 17:05 Comments 0 Comments
The attack caused no damage or injuries, it was a significant escalation and set the stage for a tough Israeli reprisal.
14/03/2019 21:09 Comments 0 Comments
Boeing’s newest version of its best-selling airliner ever was supposed to boost its fortunes for years to come.
14/03/2019 21:05 Comments 0 Comments
A window-rattling late winter storm brought blizzards, floods and a tornado across more than 25 states Wednesday, stretching from the northern Rocky Mountains to Texas and beyond.
14/03/2019 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
Police in New Jersey are hoping that people will think twice about giving money to panhandlers on the side of the road by sharing a social media post warning that they may be trying to scam others.
13/03/2019 19:58 Comments 0 Comments
Radio and TV journalist Nesar Ahmad Ahmadi was wounded when a sticky bomb attached to his car exploded as he was heading to work in Helmand province.
13/03/2019 17:18 Comments 0 Comments
Further notice would be issued after consultation with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and Boeing on safety measures taken.
13/03/2019 17:14 Comments 0 Comments
157 people from 35 countries died in the crash six minutes after takeoff from Ethiopia's capital for Nairobi.
10/03/2019 19:40 Comments 0 Comments
An Ethiopian Boeing 737 flight to Nairobi has crashed with 149 onboard passengers and eight crew members between Addis Ababa and Kenya's capital, Nairobi, confirmed the Ethiopian prime minister's office on Sunday.
08/03/2019 13:50 Comments 0 Comments
Russian lawmakers have passed a new legislation that imposes new restrictions on online media and criminalizes insulting state symbols or the government, part of efforts to tighten control over the country's political scene.
08/03/2019 13:21 Comments 0 Comments
State-owned electricity operator Corpoelec blamed the outage on what it called an 'attack' on the Guri Dam, one of the world's largest hydroelectric stations and the cornerstone of Venezuela's electrical grid.
08/03/2019 13:10 Comments 0 Comments
Biden's ties to his hardscrabble hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, have made him a compelling messenger for the plight of blue-collar workers whose jobs and livelihoods remain under threat by globalization and outsourcing.
07/03/2019 16:57 Comments 0 Comments
The Trump administration launched the program in late January in what marks a potentially seismic shift on how the US handles the cases of immigrants seeking asylum and fleeing persecution in their homeland, memos obtained by AP revealed.
07/03/2019 16:47 Comments 0 Comments
A UN report says that an estimated 11 million people in North Korea — over 43 percent of the population — are undernourished and that "chronic food insecurity and malnutrition is widespread."
07/03/2019 15:45 Comments 0 Comments
The Democratic National Committee said Wednesday that it won’t pick Fox News to televise one of the upcoming debates being held for its 2020 presidential contenders.
06/03/2019 21:38 Comments 0 Comments
King Kong Bundy, one of the most prominent WWE wrestling stars of the 1980s and 90s, has died at the age of 61, the WWE confirmed Tuesday.
06/03/2019 21:06 Comments 0 Comments
Attahullah Khogyani, spokesman for the governor in eastern Nangarhar province, says that along with the 16 killed, nine other people were wounded when the militants launched a suicide bombing and stormed a construction company near the airport.
05/03/2019 17:19 Comments 0 Comments
Sometimes the only thing keeping a slithering lizard from becoming a squashed one is infrastructure. The same rules apply to pretty much any form of wildlife.
05/03/2019 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
A rare seven-foot sunfish has been found washed ashore in California, stunning the scientist who identified its species.
05/03/2019 17:03 Comments 0 Comments
A giant alligator that was pulled from a ditch in Georgia was so large people thought it was fake.
03/03/2019 20:36 Comments 0 Comments
Citizens of Pakistan have filed an online petition, with over 2 lakh signatures, demanding the Nobel Peace Prize for their Prime Minister, Imran Khan, for his “gesture of peace” of returning the Indian Air Force pilot.
03/03/2019 14:06 Comments 0 Comments
Rahul Gandhi was speaking at a rally in Dhule District in northern Maharashtra. The District is close to Nandurbar District which has seen stalwarts of the Gandhi family begin their electoral campaigns right from the days of Indira Gandhi.
03/03/2019 14:00 Comments 0 Comments
Rahul Gandhi said,"When I asked in the Parliament about Rafale he [Modi] had no guts to look into my eyes. He was looking here and there."
02/03/2019 21:14 Comments 0 Comments
Hamza Bin Laden is believed to have spent years with his mother in Iran, where it is thought his wedding took place, while other reports suggest he may have lived in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Syria.
28/02/2019 13:50 Comments 0 Comments
The four concrete and four steel panels instantly became powerful symbols associated with the president, Donald Trump, and one of his top priorities when they went up 16 months ago.
28/02/2019 13:41 Comments 0 Comments
The US is calling for a vote on a UN resolution urging "the peaceful restoration of democracy" in Venezuela, free and fair presidential elections, and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to all people in need.
28/02/2019 13:11 Comments 0 Comments
Asked if this summit would yield a political declaration to end the Korean War, Trump told reporters: "We'll see."
27/02/2019 21:04 Comments 0 Comments
Prisoner of 'war': Pakistan parades Indian pilot after shooting down two jets as Imran Khan tells New Delhi 'better sense' is needed 'given the weapons we have' and raises spectre of nuclear conflict.
26/02/2019 21:57 Comments 0 Comments
Pakistan Prime Minister summoned a meeting in Islamabad to review the situation. In New Delhi, External Affairs Minister called an all-party meeting.
26/02/2019 21:49 Comments 0 Comments
Bangladesh's top civil aviation officials on Monday said that they are probing how a "hijacker" was able to bypass airport security with a "toy pistol" and board a Dubai-bound plane.
25/02/2019 21:37 Comments 0 Comments
Thane-resident Avinash Kumar Yadav has been charged under section 354 (any man who watches, or captures the image of a woman engaging in a private act in circumstances where she would usually have the expectation of not being observed) of the Indian Penal Code.
24/02/2019 20:21 Comments 0 Comments
Copying robot is available on many e-commerce platforms. It has a metal frame to hold the paper, with an arm where a pen can be attached.
23/02/2019 20:42 Comments 0 Comments
A 7.8-magnitude earthquake that shook a central area of the Ecuadorean coast on April 16, 2016, killed more than 700 people, destroyed hundreds of houses and caused more than $3 billion of losses.
23/02/2019 20:34 Comments 0 Comments
Trump had ordered the withdrawal of all 2,000 US troops Syria in December after he said they had defeated Islamic State militants in Syria. The abrupt decision sparked an outcry from allies and US lawmakers and was a factor in Jim Mattis' resignation as defense secretary.
23/02/2019 20:21 Comments 0 Comments
In a subsequent decree, Bashir set up a caretaker administration comprising a senior official from each ministry, but kept the defense, foreign and justice ministers in place.
22/02/2019 20:23 Comments 0 Comments
Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sara Ali Khan was spotted post her workout session outside a gym in Mumbai.
22/02/2019 19:41 Comments 0 Comments
Archana Puran Singh has reportedly replaced Navjot Singh Sidhu on The Kapil Sharma Show after he was sacked over his controversial comments on the Pulwama terror attack of February 14.
21/02/2019 12:58 Comments 0 Comments
Former Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi has said that India’s blaming Pakistan without having any proof.
20/02/2019 21:48 Comments 0 Comments
The shutdown comes as opposition leader Juan Guaido has been rallying international support for his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro. Maduro is vowing to block aid from entering Venezuela, saying the effort is part of a US-led coup attempt.
20/02/2019 21:44 Comments 0 Comments
Travel agencies contacted Wednesday said foreign tourists would not be allowed into the Himalayan region until April 1.
20/02/2019 21:31 Comments 0 Comments
The wife and nephew of a landowner in Haryana's Bhiwani have been accused of murdering the landowner and dumping his body inside a 40-feet-deep well. The accused were reportedly romantically involved.
20/02/2019 21:20 Comments 0 Comments
A youth has been brutally murdered by contract killers on Tuesday night near Tirupattur area in the Vellore district.
19/02/2019 21:41 Comments 0 Comments
An enthusiastic progressive who embraces proposals ranging from Medicare for All to free college tuition, Sanders stunned the Democratic establishment in 2016 with his spirited challenge to Hillary Clinton.
19/02/2019 19:48 Comments 0 Comments
SUPER-toned Emily Ratajkowski seems to have lost her clothes — in a corner shop. The 27-year-old model flaunted her washboard abs among the sweets, onion rings and churros.
17/02/2019 18:12 Comments 0 Comments
The man took off the girl's skin so the police could not identify her, according to reports.
16/02/2019 21:39 Comments 0 Comments
The ballot, which follows Sanchez's defeat in parliament over his 2019 fiscal plans, comes at a tricky time for the euro zone's fourth-largest economy.
16/02/2019 21:26 Comments 0 Comments
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) ran its parallel government from Kilinochchi until the Sri Lankan government wrested control of the entire north and east from the liberation group's grasp in 2009.
16/02/2019 20:14 Comments 0 Comments
The 36-year-old - qualified to officiate matches in Serie A and Serie B - took park in a shoot for Playboy Italy.
16/02/2019 19:43 Comments 0 Comments
The mother-of-three showed off her enviable figure in a series of saucy Valentine's snaps.
15/02/2019 16:57 Comments 0 Comments
Kashmir terror attack: The Jaish-e-Mohammad claimed responsibility and identified the bomber as a 20-year-old local boy from south Kashmir’s Pulwama district.
14/02/2019 19:45 Comments 0 Comments
A mom-to-be underwent a surgery in which surgeons removed her unborn baby from her womb and then put it back inside. In December 2018, 26-year-old Bethan Simpson from UK was 4 and a half months when she was told that her baby had ‘Spina Bifida’.
13/02/2019 17:02 Comments 0 Comments
In a shock announcement, Ikee said: “After feeling unwell I returned in haste from Australia and following tests I was diagnosed with leukaemia. I still can’t believe it myself and I’m in a state of confusion.”
13/02/2019 16:49 Comments 0 Comments
Police said the girl was inside the school bathroom when the minor boy, a Class 10 student of another school, allegedly jumped the fence and raped her there. The girl was taken for a medical examination later.
12/02/2019 18:56 Comments 0 Comments
Societies in different parts of the world have introduced reforms towards equality but the RSS-BJP wants to take the spiritual system of Hinduism backward. This is the most dangerous situation India is facing today. Unfortunately, we are all witnesses to that process.
11/02/2019 20:26 Comments 0 Comments
According to the complaint, the couple was travelling in a car around 8 pm when a group of five men pelted stones on the car and stopped them.
09/02/2019 20:32 Comments 0 Comments
Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said China "believes that Venezuela's affairs should be resolved by the Venezuelan people under the framework of its constitution and laws and through peaceful dialogue and political means.
09/02/2019 14:26 Comments 0 Comments
NAKED Brexit protestor Dr Victoria Bateman, who is also a Professor at Cambridge University, invited Jacob Rees-Mogg to a “naked debate” while giving a nude interview on Radio 4’s Today Programme.
08/02/2019 15:12 Comments 0 Comments
As per an amendment, the govt of India has made it compulsory for citizens with Permanent Account Number (PAN) to get their Aadhaar number linked to it. If the Aadhaar number linking is not done, PAN of the person will be considered invalid for all future transactions.
07/02/2019 19:28 Comments 0 Comments
According to the police complaint, the six men knocked at her door late on Tuesday night asking for water to drink, but dragged her out to a nearby field where they allegedly raped her.
07/02/2019 14:17 Comments 0 Comments
India’s ambitious bullet train project between Ahmedabad-Mumbai has been drawing public ire since its announcement. Questions have been raised over the investment and that if India, the nation with highest number of stunted children, really needs a bullet train.
06/02/2019 20:04 Comments 0 Comments
According to the group, Brazil has one of the largest shares of adults without secondary education. Schools are overcrowded, teacher salaries and low and school buildings are often crumbling.
06/02/2019 19:37 Comments 0 Comments
She's pathed a successful career from her drunken antics on the controversial MTV show. And Chloe Ferry was back to doing what she does best as she looked very worse-for-wear during a Geordie Shore night out in Newcastle at Tup Tup Palace on Tuesday.
06/02/2019 16:36 Comments 0 Comments
The vape pen cut an artery in his neck and stopped blood flow to his brain, the Tarrant County Medical Examiner says.
05/02/2019 17:21 Comments 0 Comments
She has vowed she is teaching her two young daughters body positivity. And Busy Philipps joined forces with Iskra Lawrence, 28, when they worked every angle on the set of #AerieREAL's campaign shoot, in Los Angeles recently.
05/02/2019 17:06 Comments 0 Comments
Fans are used to seeing the beauty in a bikini after she soared to fame on Love Island. And Katie Salmon, 22, ensured all her assets were in view as she posed on the beach in Cape Verde as she holidays with her pal India Jennings.
04/02/2019 20:59 Comments 0 Comments
The blast occurred in Mogadishu's Hamarweyne district, a busy area with shops and restaurants.
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