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21/06/2015 17:13 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur:  Malaysia is scheduled to hold a memorial service in Kuala Lumpur next month to remember the 298 people who were onboard the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, which crashed in eastern Ukraine last year.
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21/06/2015 17:11 Comments 0 Comments
Canberra: Thousands of people across Australia on Sunday took part in the first International Yoga Day celebrations.
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21/06/2015 17:07 Comments 0 Comments
Istambul: A document leaked by Wikileaks reveal that the the Saudi Arabia was prepared to pay $10 billion to secure the freedom of deposed Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak.
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21/06/2015 17:04 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  The world is celebrating the International Day of Yoga on Sunday, but Americans have embraced it for years with a whopping 20.4 million, or nine percent of all American adults, practising it to fuel a $27 billion industry.
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21/06/2015 17:00 Comments 0 Comments
New York:  UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has expressed his excitement at the first International Day of Yoga during his meeting with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, saying the day has garnered "unprecedented" enthusiasm from people around the world.
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21/06/2015 16:57 Comments 0 Comments
London: For centuries, dogs have been humans' loyal companions and in ancient Egypt, they served as bridges to the afterlife, with the hope that they would intercede with the God Anubis on their owner's behalf.
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21/06/2015 16:55 Comments 0 Comments
Riga: Some 5,000 people took to the streets of the Latvian capital for a gay pride parade, the culminating event of the EuroPride 2015 week which took place here from June 15-20.
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21/06/2015 16:52 Comments 0 Comments
New York: The US media spread the news about a website found with photos of confessed mass murderer Dylann Roof along with a racist manifesto that he might have written.
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20/06/2015 17:34 Comments 0 Comments
Sanaa : Saudi-led air strikes struck military and civilian airports here on Saturday, destroying the runways, after peace talks in Geneva collapsed.
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20/06/2015 14:02 Comments 0 Comments
Canberra:  Australian Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi’s enquiry into halal food has evoked a flood of hateful submissions.
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20/06/2015 13:59 Comments 0 Comments
New York : The polio virus can continue to transmit silently for more than three years with no reported cases, says a study that suggests continued surveillance even after eradication of the disease.
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20/06/2015 13:56 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Contrary to popular assumptions, global warming may not lead to substantial reduction in winter deaths, a study says.
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20/06/2015 13:54 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo: The LTTE's international network and financial support are still intact despite its military defeat at the hands of Sri Lankan government troops in 2009, a US government report has said.
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20/06/2015 13:51 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing:  Heavy storms that swept through several southern Chinese provinces this past week have killed 18 people and left four more missing, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
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20/06/2015 13:48 Comments 0 Comments
Bujumbura: At least 77 civilians have been killed in clashes with Burundi's security forces since the start of anti-government protests in April, a rights activist said today.
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20/06/2015 13:38 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: A demon-faced Osama bin Laden doll that was created as part of a CIA programme to dissuade children from idolizing the al-Qaida chief has been put on SALE.
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20/06/2015 13:36 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Noting that Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba "continues to operate, train, rally, propagandize, and fundraise in Pakistan", US Friday acknowledged that India remains one of the most persistent terror targets.
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20/06/2015 13:33 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: While one Indian-American Republican governor sought to lay a healing salve after the horrific mass shooting at a historic American church, another chose to take cheap political pot shots at President Barack Obama.
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20/06/2015 13:29 Comments 0 Comments
Aden:  At least 15 Shia al-Houthi militiamen were killed in a raid by Popular Resistance Committee loyal to fugitive President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi in southern Yemen, al-Arabiya reported.
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20/06/2015 13:09 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US on Friday acknowledged that India remains one of the most persistently targeted countries by insurgents and transnational and domestic terrorist groups, even as New Delhi blames Pakistan for supporting terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir.
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20/06/2015 13:06 Comments 0 Comments
Istanbul: WikiLeaks is in the process of publishing more than 500,000 Saudi diplomatic documents to the Internet, the transparency website said Friday, a move that echoes its famous release of US State Department cables in 2010.
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20/06/2015 13:00 Comments 0 Comments
Charleston (South Carolina):  An acquaintance of the man accused of a shooting massacre inside a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, says Dylann Storm Roof had complained that "blacks were taking over the world."
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20/06/2015 12:57 Comments 0 Comments
London:  British police say they are investigating the possibility that a man found dead on a roof in west London had been a stowaway on a flight that was on approach to Heathrow Airport.
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20/06/2015 12:54 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A Pakistani court on Friday issued non-bailable arrest warrant against former military dictator Pervez Musharraf and ordered police to present him in the court in the murder case of Lal Masjid cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi, who was killed in a military operation in 2007.
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20/06/2015 12:51 Comments 0 Comments
St. Petersburg: BRICS member states—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—cheered new integration trends with the announcement of the formation of the BRICS Development Bank, ahead of the group’s upcoming forum in July.
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19/06/2015 16:46 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned against growing terrorist activities in the Middle East, saying terrorism will benefit no country in the region.
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19/06/2015 16:43 Comments 0 Comments
Vatican City: Pope Francis' plea to make the state of the environment a central moral issue of our age has been greeted with applause from climate activists and a wide range of church, science and government leaders, but dismissive shrugs from those who doubt climate change.
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19/06/2015 16:40 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  For the fourth time in a row, the US State Department commented on the current tensions between India and Pakistan, urging them to improve relations over the range of issues.
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19/06/2015 16:37 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A top American diplomat has said that the current global challenges require the US and China to co-operate and the two countries can work together to reduce poverty and promote prosperity in the world.
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19/06/2015 16:34 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Chinese authorities have manufactured the world's first electric plane, a media report said on Friday.
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19/06/2015 13:30 Comments 0 Comments
Mumbai: Shiv Sena today claimed that Narendra Modi-led BJP government came to power only on the backing of Hindu votes and the groundwork for uniting the majority community was done by its late founder Bal Thackeray.
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19/06/2015 13:24 Comments 0 Comments
St Petersburg : B. Jayant Baliga, a US-based Indian-origin scientist, is being awarded Russia's top technology award in recognition of his work in energy management which brought about huge increase in efficiency and major savings.
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19/06/2015 13:21 Comments 0 Comments
Las Vegas:  Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said here in a speech to a major Hispanic organisation that her commitment to immigration reform includes a path to citizenship for the undocumented.
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19/06/2015 13:19 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: The Iraqi defence ministry denied on Thursday that one of its fighter planes was shot down by the Islamic State (IS), and termed the claim as an attempt at psychological warfare, Efe news agency reported.
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19/06/2015 13:15 Comments 0 Comments
Geneva: The number of people forcibly displaced at the end of 2014 had risen to a staggering 59.5 million, which was at the highest level since records began, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in a report on Thursday.
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19/06/2015 13:13 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A dejected US President Barack Obama yesterday strongly condemned the “senseless murders” of nine Americans by a white gunman inside a historic black church, saying such type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
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19/06/2015 13:08 Comments 0 Comments
Niamey:  Militants from the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram crossed the border and attacked two towns in neighbouring Niger, setting homes ablaze and killing at least 40 people, a local government official said today.
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19/06/2015 13:05 Comments 0 Comments
London:  Keith Vaz, Britain's longest-serving Indian-origin MP was today re-elected as chair of Parliament's influential Home Affairs Select Committee, even as a controversy rages over his help to scam-tainted former IPL chairman Lalit Modi in obtaining British travel documents.
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19/06/2015 13:02 Comments 0 Comments
Charleston, South Carolina : Dylann Storm Roof drove around with a Confederate flag on his license plate — representing the pro-slavery South that lost the U.S. civil war. On his Facebook page, he wore a jacket with the flags of the former white-racist regimes of South Africa and Rhodesia.
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18/06/2015 20:24 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  The Pakistani anti-terrorism court hearing the 2008 Mumbai attack case will hold the trial of the seven accused, including mastermind Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi, twice a week to expedite the case after Islamabad High Court gave a two-month deadline to the trial court.
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18/06/2015 20:21 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Bhagavad Gita, a sacred ancient Indian scripture, has made its debut in China after its Chinese version was released during an international Yoga conference being held in the Communist nation.
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18/06/2015 18:40 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  NASA has come a step closer to its planned mission to Europa which will try to find out if a liquid water ocean beneath the surface of the Jupiter's moon have the ingredients to support life.
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18/06/2015 17:36 Comments 0 Comments
Adelaide:  An Australian court on Thursday issued an arrest warrant against a doctor who is now working for the Islamic State (IS) terror group in Syria.
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18/06/2015 17:33 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's phone call to his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif has helped reduce tension between the two countries, a daily said on Thursday.
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18/06/2015 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington : Two Indian-Americans have been appointed to key positions in the Republican party with the mandate to involve community leaders within the party fold.
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18/06/2015 17:26 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: At least nine people were killed in a shooting at a historic African-American church in US' South Carolina state.
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18/06/2015 17:21 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter admitted that they did not act fast enough to prepare Iraqi forces for the threat posed by the Islamic State militant group.
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18/06/2015 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: A man in the UAE could be fined over $68,000 for swearing at his colleague on WhatsApp under a new law governing internet users after the country's top court overturned a verdict of a lesser fine for the offence.
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18/06/2015 17:01 Comments 0 Comments
London: Pakistan's ISI had held Osama Bin Laden prisoner for nearly six years in Abbottabad and handed him over to the US in a staged raid, a media report said in new controversial account of the al-Qaeda chief's death.
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18/06/2015 16:57 Comments 0 Comments
Peshawar: Militants blew up a primary school for boys early this morning in Pakistan's volatile Bajaur Agency bordering Afghanistan.
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18/06/2015 16:53 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations:  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hopes Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif "will continue to engage with each other" to try to resolve the Kashmir situation "peacefully and amicably", according to Ban's deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq.
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18/06/2015 16:50 Comments 0 Comments
Bauchi: A large sack of home-made bombs discovered at an abandoned Boko Haram camp exploded, killing 63 people, witnesses said today of a toll many times higher than in any recent attack in northeast Nigeria.
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18/06/2015 16:46 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Former foreign secretary and national security advisor Shivshankar Menon has joined the prestigious American think-tank Brookings Institute.
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18/06/2015 16:43 Comments 0 Comments
Male: Maldives' former President Mohammed Nasheed has appealed to President Abdulla Yameen to reduce his 13-year jail imprisonment under the country's anti-terrorism laws.
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18/06/2015 16:40 Comments 0 Comments
Kunming: China is keen to establish a high speed rail link between Kunming and Kolkata as part of its efforts to revive the ancient silk route, traversing through Myanmar and Bangladesh.
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18/06/2015 16:37 Comments 0 Comments
Tbilisi, Georgia: A tiger that broke loose after severe flooding at the Tbilisi Zoo mauled a man to death in the Georgian capital before being shot by police Wednesday, a day after zoo officials said all the zoo tigers had died.
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17/06/2015 19:30 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  A Pakistani company had sold eight Japanese Yamaha engines to one of the 2008 Mumbai attack facilitators who supplied them to terrorists, including Ajmal Kasab, for reaching Mumbai in a dingy, a senior manager of the firm today told an anti-terrorism court.
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17/06/2015 12:41 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi has given a clarion call to leaders and countries towards global elimination of child labour and slavery.
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17/06/2015 12:26 Comments 0 Comments
New York: In a clue to possibility of life below the surface of Mars today, an international team of researchers has discovered traces of methane in Martian meteorites.
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17/06/2015 12:22 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has effectively laid the foundation for India's rapid transformation and purposeful diplomacy leading to new terms of India's engagement with the US, according to Indian Ambassador Arun K. Singh.
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17/06/2015 12:17 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  President Barack Obama's administration said on Tuesday that it is "deeply troubled" by the death sentence handed down against deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, contending that it was politically motivated.
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17/06/2015 12:09 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Nepal today appealed to the international community to send tourists to its famed heritage sites to revive its ailing tourism industry as it reopened another heritage palace complex, nearly two months after deadly earthquakes damaged many historical sites and killed nearly 9,000 people.
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17/06/2015 12:04 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  After Bush family scion Jeb Bush, real estate mogul and TV reality star Donald Trump finally jumped into the 2016 White House race, making the crowded field of Republican contenders a round dozen.
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17/06/2015 11:58 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US Secretary of State John Kerry has expressed concern over Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement that he would add more than 40 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) to Russia's arsenal this year, media reported on Wednesday.
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17/06/2015 11:55 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today said that India and Pakistan must put aside differences and work for peace so that the people of the two countries “remember their leaders in good words.”
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17/06/2015 11:52 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow:  Russia's military this year alone will receive over 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of piercing any missile defenses, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday in a blunt reminder of the nation's nuclear might amid tensions with the West over Ukraine.
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17/06/2015 11:47 Comments 0 Comments
London: India has emerged second after Pakistan in terms of countries of origin where British nationals are forced into marriage, a crime in the UK.
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17/06/2015 11:45 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: A US airstrike has killed al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, who commanded its powerful Yemeni affiliate, dealing the global network its biggest blow since the killing of Osama bin Laden and eliminating a charismatic leader at a time when it is vying with the Islamic State group for the mantle of global jihad.
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17/06/2015 11:41 Comments 0 Comments
London:  The UK today said it had acted “appropriately” and in accordance with rules when issuing travel documents to scam-tainted former IPL chairman Lalit Modi.
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17/06/2015 11:36 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: An Egyptian court today sentenced deposed president Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide Mohamed Badie and 100 other Islamists to death for a mass jail break during the country’s 2011 revolution that toppled long-time dictator Hosni Mubarak.
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16/06/2015 12:52 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Bangladesh's Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld the death sentence for a top leader of an Islamist party for war crimes and crimes against humanity during the country's independence war against Pakistan in 1971.
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16/06/2015 12:50 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Five terrorists were killed in gunfights with security forces in Pakistan's Sindh and Punjab provinces, police said on Tuesday.
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16/06/2015 11:41 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: A UN report says that Indians in its peacekeeping operations were involved three substantiated cases of sexual exploitation or abuse between 2010 and 2013.
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16/06/2015 11:39 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China says it will complete land reclamation projects on its disputed South China Sea territorial claims as planned within "upcoming days."
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16/06/2015 11:36 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: Emphasising that yoga does not discriminate, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said he discovered the "simple sense of satisfaction" it brings when he tried his first "asana" during his visit to India.
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16/06/2015 11:32 Comments 0 Comments
London: The Magna Carta, hailed as the cornerstone of parliamentary democracy, inspired legends like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela for liberty to their lands and people, Prime Minister David Cameron said today as Britain marked the historic charter's 800th anniversary.
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16/06/2015 11:25 Comments 0 Comments
London: An all-girls school in the UK has banned senior students from wearing short skirts, instructing them to wear "sober" suits and minimal makeup in bid to keep the pupils "committed to learning".
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16/06/2015 11:22 Comments 0 Comments
Pentagon officials said on Monday they believe they hit Mokhtar Belmokhtar in an airstrike on Sunday in eastern Libya.
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16/06/2015 11:19 Comments 0 Comments
Manchester: Hillary Rodham Clinton countered criticism that her personal wealth undermines a populist campaign message focused on the economic problems of everyday Americans, saying on Monday that her family fortune is "secondary" to most voters.
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16/06/2015 11:16 Comments 0 Comments
Geneva: The UN yesterday hoped that Sri Lanka will put in place mechanisms for accountability and reconciliation ahead of its September session when the long-awaited report on alleged human rights violations in the country will be issued.
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16/06/2015 11:14 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Florida's former Republican governor, Jeb Bush, on Monday formally announced his presidential candidacy and said that he is ready to lead the country.
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16/06/2015 11:10 Comments 0 Comments
Abuja:  At least 11 people were killed on Monday in a twin suicide bombing in Nigeria's city of Potiskum, hospital sources said.
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16/06/2015 11:06 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi: Former Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf on Monday warned India against attempting a military operation inside Pakistan, saying India "dare not" treat his country like Myanmar.
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16/06/2015 11:04 Comments 0 Comments
Johannesburg: Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir left South Africa on Monday, hours before the High Court in Pretoria ruled that he be arrested for alleged crimes against humanity pending a formal request from the International Criminal Court (ICC).
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16/06/2015 11:01 Comments 0 Comments
Melbourne: Australia has temporarily suspended import of Maggi noodles from India as the popular instant snack has come under mounting scrutiny over food safety concerns.
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15/06/2015 18:06 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Continuing the war of words, Pakistan today said it will not hold talks with India on "Indian terms" and ruled out any dialogue if the agenda does not include "Kashmir and water issues".
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15/06/2015 18:00 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A two-day anti-polio campaign was launched in Pakistan's Peshawar city on Monday amidst tight security.
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15/06/2015 14:21 Comments 0 Comments
A 19-year-old Russian woman confessed that she murdered her mother and 12-year-old sister, whose dismembered bodies were found at their house in Tijuana, a border city in northwest Mexico.
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15/06/2015 14:16 Comments 0 Comments
New York : Nearly 2,000 people in Mexico City on June 13 attempted to create a world record for the most number of consecutive selfies taken at a place.
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15/06/2015 14:12 Comments 0 Comments
Pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong have kickstarted their campaign to oppose a political reform package, as lawmakers begin their debate on the measure on Wednesday.
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15/06/2015 13:46 Comments 0 Comments
Shimla : Three engineers were killed at a state-run hydropower project in Himachal Pradesh's remote Spiti valley when a valve at the plant burst.
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15/06/2015 12:20 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  The US military has launched an airstrike in Libya, killing a leader of Ansar al-Shariah, an offshoot of the Al Qaeda.
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15/06/2015 12:16 Comments 0 Comments
Honolulu: Six scientists who were living under a dome on the slopes of a dormant Hawaii volcano for eight months to simulate life on Mars have emerged from isolation.
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15/06/2015 12:14 Comments 0 Comments
London: A Nobel Prize-winning British scientist says he was forced to resign after sexist comments drew widespread condemnation.
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15/06/2015 12:11 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Nepal has declared all three districts in the Kathmandu Valley as the crisis-hit zone, curtailing certain civil rights in order to demolish and clear the infrastructure damaged by the quakes and reconstruct them.
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15/06/2015 12:09 Comments 0 Comments
Johannesburg: In an unprecedented development, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, who is on a diplomatic visit to South Africa, has been barred from leaving the country by a court order for "crimes against humanity", but dared the world by attending the 25th African Union (AU) Summit here on Sunday.
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15/06/2015 12:04 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Buoyed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's maiden visit during which "history" was made by inking the long-pending Land Boundary Agreement, Bangladesh now looks forward to resolving the crucial Teesta water-sharing issue soon.
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15/06/2015 11:57 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu:  Nearly one million people have slipped below poverty line in Nepal due to two powerful earthquakes that left about 9,000 people dead and a trail of destruction across the country.
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15/06/2015 11:55 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: The comet lander Philae has awoken from a seven-month hibernation and managed to communicate with Earth for more than a minute, the European Space Agency said Sunday.
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14/06/2015 18:44 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai:  Four Indian languages including Hindi can be chosen while appearing for driving tests here in the UAE from September.
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14/06/2015 18:41 Comments 0 Comments
Nepal:  Nepal's Constitution drafting committee has started working on preparing the draft of the new constitution within 15 days, the committee's chairman said on Sunday.
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14/06/2015 17:56 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore:  More than 600 Indian Sikh devotees arrived in Pakistan today to observe the 409th death anniversary of fifth Sikh Guru Arjan Dev on June 16.
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14/06/2015 17:53 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: Ahead of the first International Yoga Day celebrations on June 21, yoga guru Ramdev today held a preparatory session with a large number of his followers and children at Jawahar Lal Nehru stadium here.
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14/06/2015 17:47 Comments 0 Comments
Tbilisi, Georgia:  Tigers, lions, a hippopotamus and other animals have escaped from the zoo in Georgia's capital after heavy flooding destroyed their enclosures, prompting authorities to warn residents in Tbilisi to say inside Sunday. At least eight people have been killed in the disaster, including three zoo workers, and 10 others are missing.
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14/06/2015 17:45 Comments 0 Comments
Melbourne: A 25-year-old Indian woman, who almost died after consuming mushrooms laced with death caps, is suing Australia’s largest supermarket chain for selling the food product to her.
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14/06/2015 17:36 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul:  The South Korean health ministry on Sunday reported seven new cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), bringing the total to 145.
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14/06/2015 17:33 Comments 0 Comments
London:  India is set to acquire a prime property here for an estimated 4 million pounds where B R Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution and dalit rights activist, lived during his student days in the 1920s.
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14/06/2015 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
New York:  The first International Day of Yoga aims at making the ancient Indian cultural heritage the "mantra of modern times", India's top diplomat here said as organisations from across the US gear up to host the inaugural day for hundreds of thousands of yoga supporters.
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14/06/2015 17:18 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistani retailers have said that so far sales of Maggi noodles have been stable as consumers have not reacted to reports of lead contamination in Indian manufactured noodles being sold across the border, media reported on Sunday.
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14/06/2015 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
London: Queen Elizabeth II marked her ceremonial birthday Saturday with the traditional "Trooping the Color" parade in the heart of London — and 23-month-old Prince George made his debut on the Buckingham Palace balcony.
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14/06/2015 17:06 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing (IT): US has termed as an 'extreme manoeuvre' the China's move to test a supersonic nuclear delivery vehicle.
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14/06/2015 17:00 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran:  Iran is not bound by the deadline for talks over a comprehensive deal on the country's nuclear programme, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said here on Saturday.
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14/06/2015 16:58 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A police sniper shot a van driver who had earlier staged a shooting attack against Dallas police headquarters that caused no fatalities.The suspect could be dead, Dallas Police Chief David Brown told a press conference, Efe reported.
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14/06/2015 16:54 Comments 0 Comments
Zurich/Washington: Swiss giant Nestle's India-made Maggi has now come under the scanner of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has taken samples of the instant food brand for testing.
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14/06/2015 16:50 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Chinese experts have completed restoration of an 800-year-old Buddha statue, famous for its 1,000 hands, located in the country's southwest province after seven years.
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14/06/2015 16:48 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  The Pakistani government has imposed a moratorium on executions during the upcoming holy month of Ramazan. A notification was issued on Friday by the federal interior ministry and provincial governments have also been requested to comply with the order, Dawn reported.
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14/06/2015 16:46 Comments 0 Comments
New York:  Hillary Clinton today formally launched her bid to become the first woman president of the United States, giving a rallying call to build a new era of "real and lasting prosperity" that "should be shared by all".
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13/06/2015 20:03 Comments 0 Comments
RAFAH, Palestinian Territory -- Egypt opened its borders with the Gaza Strip for the first time in months Saturday, allowing Palestinians to enter and leave the isolated coastal strip.
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13/06/2015 19:09 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: A letter Albert Einstein wrote to one of his sons in 1945 explaining the connection between his theory of relativity and the atomic bombs that had just been dropped on Japan has sold at auction for USD 62,500.
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13/06/2015 19:03 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  In a veiled attack on India,Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif today accused it of "creating instability" through ceasefire violations and supporting militancy in different areas of the country.
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13/06/2015 13:41 Comments 0 Comments
Kandahar: An Afghan official says at least 20 police officers have been killed after militants ambushed checkpoints in the country's volatile southern Helmand province.
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13/06/2015 13:21 Comments 0 Comments
Koraput: A group of around 30 armed Maoists today torched at least two vehicles and a machine used in road work in a bid to disrupt construction process here, police said today.
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13/06/2015 13:18 Comments 0 Comments
Geneva: The UN-led Geneva Consultations on Yemen will begin on Monday, officials said.
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13/06/2015 13:15 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu:  The cost for reconstruction of the earthquake-ravaged Nepal is approximately $6,663.1 million, according to a Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) carried out by the Nepal Planning Commission on Saturday.
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13/06/2015 13:11 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: While declining comment on India's surgical strike on militants in Myanmar, the US has asked India and Pakistan to take steps to reduce tensions and move toward resuming dialogue.
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13/06/2015 13:00 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US House of Representatives sidetracked a high-profile White House-backed trade bill on Friday, a blow to a pending Asian trade deal and a humiliating defeat for President Barack Obama inflicted by members of his own party.
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13/06/2015 12:57 Comments 0 Comments
Boston:  Two men were charged on 12 June with conspiring to help the Islamic State group by plotting with a Boston terror suspect to kill a conservative blogger known for provoking Muslims.
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13/06/2015 12:54 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday inaugurated Pakistan's largest oil refinery complex with a capacity of producing 120,000 barrels per day to fulfill around 39 per cent of the energy needs of the country.
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13/06/2015 12:49 Comments 0 Comments
Geneva: Rueing that global funding for education has stagnated over the past four years, Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi has said an additional USD 22 billion annually, which is just four-and-a-half days of global military expenditure, can bring all children to school.
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13/06/2015 12:47 Comments 0 Comments
Sanaa: Saudi-led airstrikes targeting Shiite rebels and their allies in Yemen destroyed historic houses today in the center of the capital, Sanaa, a UNESCO world heritage site.
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13/06/2015 12:44 Comments 0 Comments
London: Three Indians, including two women, have won an inaugural award set up by Queen Elizabeth II to recognise exceptional youths who are transforming the lives of others and making a difference in their communities from across the Commonwealth nations.
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12/06/2015 18:58 Comments 0 Comments
The 31-year-old blogger imprisoned for criticizing Islam and promoting liberal thought via his website is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence. He is also supposed to receive 1,000 lashes delivered in batches of 50 over 20 weeks.
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12/06/2015 18:49 Comments 0 Comments
(THE AUSTRALIAN) - A majority of Germans want Greece to leave the eurozone and oppose additional concessions to the left-wing Greek government in the present bailout negotiations, according to a latest survey, highlighting the domestic pressure on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to pursue a tough stance.
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12/06/2015 18:40 Comments 0 Comments
Srinagar: Flags of dreaded terror group ISIS along with those of Pakistan were hoisted today in at least two places in Kashmir during protests over the killing of a separatist activist by unknown gunmen on Tuesday.
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12/06/2015 18:36 Comments 0 Comments
Lille, France: Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was cleared of pimping charges on Friday in France, putting an end to four years of legal drama that began with a sexual assault charge in a New York hotel room.
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12/06/2015 17:28 Comments 0 Comments
Chennai:  The Indian Navy and Coast Guard, assisted by several national agencies, continued searching for the fourth day in the Bay of Bengal for an Indian Coast Guard Dornier aircraft reported missing since Monday evening—with no clue yet to its whereabouts, an official said.
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12/06/2015 17:23 Comments 0 Comments
Miami: A federal judge imposed the maximum possible prison sentence to two Pakistan-born brothers on Thursday who admitted trying to pull off a bomb attack against New York City landmarks and later assaulted two deputy U.S. marshals while in custody.
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12/06/2015 17:00 Comments 0 Comments
MADRID (The New York Times) — Seeking to redress one of the darkest chapters of Spain’s history, the Spanish Parliament on Thursday approved a long-awaited law devised to open the way for citizenship for thousands of Sephardic Jews whose ancestors were expelled in 1492.
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12/06/2015 16:48 Comments 0 Comments
(BBC NEWS) - Three men have gone on trial in Turkey over the murder and attempted rape of a 20-year-old student that sparked protests about violence against women.
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12/06/2015 16:40 Comments 0 Comments
(Al Jazeera) - Ethnic Arabs flee Raqqa as conflict pits moderate groups and Kurdish forces against ISIL fighters holding border town.
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12/06/2015 15:58 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  In what could reveal the composition of a planet and how it formed, a team including an Indian-origin researcher has detected a stratosphere, one of the primary layers of Earth's atmosphere, on a massive and blazing-hot exoplanet.
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12/06/2015 15:55 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad : Pakistan will take every step to ensure that its national interests are protected, an official said on Friday.
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12/06/2015 14:03 Comments 0 Comments
Melbourne: A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Friday made an emergency landing at an airport in Australia's Melbourne city after a false alert about an engine fire.
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12/06/2015 13:54 Comments 0 Comments
Mumbai: Reliance Industries will launch its broadband services by December this year, by which time 4G devices under its own brand name "Jio" will be available for as little as Rs.4,000 at the entry level, the company announced on Friday.
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12/06/2015 12:44 Comments 0 Comments
Chandigarh : Chandigarh’s famous Rock Garden creator Nek Chand died here at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) here on Friday, his family members said.
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12/06/2015 12:40 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: An earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Nepal on Thursday night, a media report said on Friday.
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12/06/2015 12:30 Comments 0 Comments
In a country where conservative clerics condemn the idea of women attending or participating in men's sporting events, Behnaz Shafiei went on to become the first female rider to undertake professional road racing.
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12/06/2015 12:18 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: Members of a U.N. peacekeeping mission engaged in "transactional sex" with more than 225 Haitian women who said they needed to do so to obtain things like food and medication, a sign that sexual exploitation remains significantly underreported in such missions, according to a new report obtained by The Associated Press.
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12/06/2015 12:15 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: The co-pilot of the Germanwings airplane who deliberately crashed the aircraft in the French Alps in March, saw seven doctors in a month before the crash, officials said.
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12/06/2015 12:12 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Two Pakistani-American brothers were yesterday sentenced to 35 years and 20 years in prison by a court in Florida for plotting terrorist attacks in New York City and assaulting two federal officers while in custody.
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12/06/2015 12:08 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan Government yesterday ordered international children's aid agency 'Save the Children' to leave the country within 15 days, saying the NGO was involved in "anti-Pakistan activities".
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12/06/2015 12:06 Comments 0 Comments
Amman: The body of Tariq Aziz, Saddam Hussein's former top aide who died last week in prison in Iraq, went missing today after it was snatched in Baghdad while en route to Jordan for burial, Aziz's daughter said.
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12/06/2015 12:01 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iran's envoy to the UN nuclear watchdog agency says Tehran is not surprised by reports that a cyber-espionage campaign targeted hotels that hosted nuclear talks between Iran and world powers.
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11/06/2015 19:18 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Escalating the attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remarks in Dhaka and that of other leaders, Pakistan's senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution, condemning the "provocative and hostile" statements which it said reflected the Indian "hegemonic mindset".
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11/06/2015 18:46 Comments 0 Comments
Kolkata: With child labour decreasing at a dismal rate of only 2.2 per cent per year it would take more than a century to end the menace, a report said on Thursday. An analysis of census data by CRY (Child Rights and You) has revealed that child labour has been decreasing at a mere 2.2 per cent per year over the last decade, contrary to popular perception of its substantial reduction.
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11/06/2015 18:36 Comments 0 Comments
A MALAYSIAN tribal chief has called upon British tourists who allegedly stripped naked on top of a mountain to pay a fine of ten buffalo or face jail.
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11/06/2015 17:37 Comments 0 Comments
MANILA - The Philippines will broadcast a three-part documentary to defend its position on the disputed South China Sea on Friday, countering a Chinese television series that laid out Beijing's so-called nine-dash line claims.
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11/06/2015 17:18 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Accusing India of destabilising Pakistan, former military ruler Pervez Musharraf has said nuclear weapons are for the defence of the country and not for "celebratory" occasion.
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11/06/2015 16:40 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu:  At least 30 people have been killed in a landslide triggered by the continuous rainfall that has buried six villages in Nepal's mountainous northeast.
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11/06/2015 16:38 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Three Expedition 43 crew members are all set to return to Earth on Thursday after their 199-day stay on the International Space Station (ISS).
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11/06/2015 16:31 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul : Afghanistan's once-thriving Sikh community is dwindling fast as many choose to leave the country of their birth to escape what they say is growing intolerance and discrimination. Once boasting as many as 100,000 members in the 1990s, Afghanistan's Sikh population, according to community leaders, has fallen to an estimated 2,500.
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11/06/2015 16:27 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus:  The Syrian military forces on Wednesday recaptured key oil fields in central Syria, following battles with the Islamic State (IS) militants, a media report said.
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11/06/2015 16:23 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan Army Chief Raheel Sharif on Wednesday took serious note of Indian "hostile rhetoric" and pledged to foil any "evil" design against the country.
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11/06/2015 16:18 Comments 0 Comments
Brewster, New York : A service dog threw himself in front of a mini school bus in the state of New York to try to protect his blind owner and stayed by her side as emergency responders tended to the injured pair, authorities said Tuesday.
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11/06/2015 16:14 Comments 0 Comments
Tripoli:  Nineteen militants were killed on Wednesday in clashes between local jihadis and the Islamic State (IS) affiliate in the eastern Libyan city of Derna, a source said.
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11/06/2015 16:08 Comments 0 Comments
San Diego: The chances of India becoming top emerging country of the BRICS grouping are “extremely good” under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, tech giant Cisco’s Chairman and CEO John Chambers said today.
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10/06/2015 19:09 Comments 0 Comments
A suicide bomber blew himself up on Wednesday just steps away from the ancient Egyptian temple of Karnak in Luxor, a southern city visited by millions of tourists every year, security and health officials said.
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10/06/2015 17:59 Comments 0 Comments
Pakistan: today said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remarks in Bangladesh were aimed at fanning hatred against it and called on the UN to take notice of India's "open admission" of indulging in subversive activities to destabilise the country.
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10/06/2015 12:42 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Chinese officials have refuted allegations of the country's army assisting militants in northeast India, saying such charges are "absurd" and such a linkage is "impossible".
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10/06/2015 12:35 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan's ambassadors to 14 countries yesterday began a three-day meeting here to discuss the foreign policy challenges the country faces in the "immediate and extended neighbourhood."
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10/06/2015 12:29 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korean President Park Geun-hye has delayed her visit to the US due to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) crisis, a presidential office statement said on Wednesday.
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10/06/2015 12:07 Comments 0 Comments
Rome: Alejandro Burzaco, an Argentine media executive who was indicted by US prosecutors in connection with an alleged bribery scheme involving former and current FIFA officials, surrendered to the Italian police on Tuesday. He was wanted by authorities for the past two weeks.
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10/06/2015 11:05 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: The latest weapon in the fight against cheating for China's all-important college entrance exam is a six-propeller drone.
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10/06/2015 10:59 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The celebrations commemorating the first International Day of Yoga here, to be presided over by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, will be broadcast at Times Square to a global audience.
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10/06/2015 10:56 Comments 0 Comments
Syria's brutal conflict has left more than 230,000 people dead including almost 11,500 children since it broke out in 2011, a monitoring group said today.
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10/06/2015 10:49 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russia considers possible missile deployment by the US in Europe and other regions as counterproductive, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday.
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10/06/2015 10:46 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Secret Service agents interrupted a live, televised White House press briefing Tuesday to evacuate journalists after a bomb threat was called in to police. No bomb was found, the Secret Service said.
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10/06/2015 10:39 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: Gaza residents are unhappy with the territory's Islamic militant Hamas rulers and by its war with Israel last summer, a new Palestinian poll released today showed.
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10/06/2015 10:34 Comments 0 Comments
Abuja: Nineteen people were killed when Boko Haram militants stormed a village in Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno, local residents said on Tuesday.
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10/06/2015 10:28 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Bangladesh is on high alert following the hacking to death of three secular bloggers in recent months, a senior minister said as he blamed home-grown elements like fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami for the brutal killings that made global headlines.
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09/06/2015 16:44 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad : The Islamic State will open a new mosque from a "converted" ancient church in the Iraqi city of Mosul on Wednesday, a year to the day after the militant group overran the city, a local report said.
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08/06/2015 18:59 Comments 0 Comments
SEOUL, South Korea: South Korea on Monday reported its sixth death from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome as authorities were bolstering measures to stem the spread of the virus that has left dozens of people infected.
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