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Four married men stoned to death by ISIS for 'committing adultery' in Iraq
Date 18/06/2016 14:13  Author admin  Hits 696  Language Global
Baghdad: In a horrific incident, four married men were stoned to death after they were found to have indulged in ‘committing adultery’ in Iraq.

ISIS, one of the most dreaded terror groups in the world, is looking to create fear in the minds of people amid its depleting resources and foot soldiers.

The pictures show the blindfolded prisoners praying on the floor next to a big pile of rocks before the execution by the terror group. The execution was awarded under interpretation of Sharia law.

People including children can be seen gathered around in an area believed to be near the Tigris River in Iraq.

A summary of the photographs uploaded online shows militants hurling stones at the prisoners until their skulls finally end up with severe injuries.

Under Islamic Sharia law, married men and women can be stoned to death if found having sex by the Islamic State militant.

Some other instances of cruelty by IS terror group through their harsh laws:

1 Women not allowed to leave house without men’s company

Women are an isolated part of the society in Islamic state. They are allowed to leave their houses only in urgent cases and are also banned from appearing on radio and television.

If a woman is found without the company of a male relative outside her house, she is taken into custody by ISIS and her husband will be given 80 lashes.

2 Subjects like chemistry and French are replaced by Islamic studies

ISIS has established an “Islamic curriculum” for students living in the Syrian city of Raqqa.

The decision to remove chemistry and philosophy from the curriculums is imposed by the ISIS militants who believe that the subjects other than Islamic studies do not fit in with the laws of God.

3 Kuffar (non-believers) will be captured and converted into Islam

Someone not accepting the divinity of Allah and Muhammad as his prophet is referred to as a kafir, an Arabic word which literally means one who rejects, hides, denies, or covers the truth about the message of Islam. Non-followers of Islam are forcefully converted by ISIS.

4 Person found indulging in adultery will be stoned to death

Adulterers who engage in a sexual relationship will face harsh punishment of being stoned to death (if married) and 100 whips and exile for 1 year for a single person.

If women are found to be in relationship with men, the punishment would be stoning to death. In case she has more than one boyfriend she will be shot dead.

5 Punishment for consumption of Drugs, alcohol and cigarettes

Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are banned by ISIS as it is against the Islam teachings.

People who are found consuming alcohol and drugs or smoking cigarettes, will have to face 80 whips.

6 Death for homosexuals

If you commit the ‘crime of homosexuality’ then the punishment will be your and your partner’s death.

An ISIS militant reads a ‘judgement’ before giving the punishment, which condemns sexuality of the person who is going to be punished. As a punishment, it is claimed, that he should be killed in front of the city.

7 Severe punishment for having Western haircut

No man can be clean shaven or allowed to have a Western haircut.

The Islamic State has reportedly banned men from shaving their beards terming it ‘haram’ (forbidden) in Islam. If any man is found without a full face of beard, he will have to face a severe punishment.

8 Use of word Daesh banned

Under the rule of Islamic state, citizens are not allowed to use the word Daesh (Arabic acronym of Islamic State). Those who break this law will be buried down with only their heads visible and then stoned.

9 Punishment of beheading if a person following Apostasy

Apostasy, meaning abandoning your religion (Islam) or turning non-religious is the most dreadful crime under Islamic State. If a person is found indulging in it, punishment is death by beheading.

10 Women are forbidden to sit on chairs in public areas

Women are not allowed to sit on chairs in public areas as it is against the laws of Islamic State. If a woman is found going against the law, she will be strictly punished by the Islamic State militants.

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