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Community Guidelines

Our Community Guidelines are designed to ensure that our community stays protected.

Community Guidelines are the rules of the road for how to behave on "GNN9.COM". Our Community Guidelines set out our policies for what we do and don’t allow on media in order to achieve this.

Sometimes content is removed for reasons other than Community Guidelines violations, such as a first-party privacy complaint or a court order.

You'll find a full list of our Community Guidelines below:

  • We are committed to making media a safe place. Expression that threatens people has the potential to intimidate, exclude or silence others and isn't allowed.

  • We are committed to protecting personal privacy and information. Privacy gives people the freedom to use media and share ideas.

  • Our Community Standards apply to everyone, all around the world, and to all types of content. We believe that all people are equal in dignity and rights. We expect that people will respect the dignity of others and not harass or degrade others.

  • We do not allow attacks or abuse based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability or disease.

  • The goal of our Community Standards has always been to create a place for expression and give people a voice. This has not and will not change. Here freedom of speech and expression cannot confer a right to incite people to commit offence.

  • Graphic violence is not allowed. If shared in relation to important and newsworthy events, and this imagery is shared to condemn or raise awareness and educate, it may be allowed.

  • We don’t allow support or praise of terrorism, organized crime. Offering sexual services and selling firearms and drugs are also prohibited.

  • We remove photographs or videos depicting incidents of sexual violence and images shared in revenge or without permission from the people in the images.

  • You may not promote or encourage suicide or self-harm. People can share their personal experiences, but should avoid sharing detailed information about specific strategies or methods related to self-harm, as this could inadvertently encourage this behavior.

  • Global News Network 9 has zero tolerance towards any material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation, one of the most serious violations of the our rules. This may include media, text, illustrated, or computer-generated images.

  • We welcomes and encourages all readers to comment and share their opinion. However, certain comments will not be tolerated if they are not legal or do not add an interesting opinion, value, positivity, knowledge or constructive conversation.

Comments that will not be tolera
ted that contain:

  1. Crude language including swear words and sexually explicit language
  2. Threatening, abusive or offensive language
  3. Racist language
  4. Sexist language
  5. Content that preaches, encourages or incites religious or ethnic hatred
  6. Content that links to websites that promote the above
  7. Knowingly false or misleading content
  8. Defamatory language and defamatory comments about others

Content that will not be tolerated a
lso includes:

  1. Personal information – yours or someone else’s
  2. Spam – the same content posted over and over either on the same article or across different articles
  3. All external URLS linking to other content including:
  4. URLs and content that may be unsafe or contain material that such as viruses, files, programmes and code designed to corrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment connected to "GNN9.COM"
  5. Advertising/sponsorship/external URLs for any commercial purpose
  6. Petitions or solicitations for donations for campaigns
  7. Content that may prejudice both pending and on-going court proceedings
  8. Content that breaks the law or condones, encourages or provides instructions for illegal or otherwise harmful activities
  9. Copyright infringements or content that infringes other intellectual property rights

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