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Our mission is to give a platform for stories, ideas and information which connecting people and places on a click.


Name - Global News Network 9

Website - www.gnn9.com

Type of site - News networking service

Founded - 2012

Launched - August 1, 2012

Industry - Media / Internet

Area served - Worldwide

Here using our services pages are made by like you people.

Our Products

You must know -

- Registration required to post publicly or privately.

- Some of our features directly allow users to "share" and "discuss" about something, openly and also privately without company permission.

- Our official team not contact anyone through social media or from private emails. We are request you to, not to respond such messages.

- Please inform us of social media accounts and private emails, which are operating in our company name.

Since Global News Network 9 was founded, we’ve grown to serve people around the world. Our goal is to develop services that significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible. Our products help you to connecting the things and the person arround you.

In pursuing this goal, we are proud of the products we have built, and we hope that those we create in the future will have an even greater positive impact on the world.

Our 'Work' :

In media - News, Stories and Announcements, we do not produce. We do connect.

Your 'Media' :

Here using 'gnn9.com :: Global News Network 9' services, pages are made by like you people.

Our 'Goal' :

We develop services that significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible. Our products help you to connecting the things and the person arround you.

In pursuing this goal, we are proud of the products we have built, and we hope that those we create in the future will have an even greater positive impact on the world.

Our 'Responsibility' :

We strongly believes in giving back to the society, by helping those in need.

We love to connect something between people, which they lost, which they expect, which they respect and which makes them perfect.

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